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friday evenings stalk

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I rang a farmer to ask if if hed seen any deer yet on his place as its only a very small piece of ground ,six fields in all but surrounded by the best roe ground you could wish for .The furthest field on the left ,last years new ley actually is where the deer love to congregate whenever they are left alone as they have been since the end of the doe season and sure enough ,a peep around the gateway revealed four roe out feeding,two does and two young bucks .I also spotted two does couched to my right up the hedge and the ones to watch when a stalk started .The others were about 150 yds out in the long lush grass and completely unaware .I watched for an age through the bins before selecting what appeared to be the smaller of the two bucks that was apart from the other three by about 100 yds.It would have to be a crawl all the way to get close enough to see the target area as the grass covered the deer from where i was .Crawl a bit look at the does sat down and repeat was the order here which i managed to do nicely with glances ahead to check on the target as i went.Got to within 80 yds and had a breather,whilst i studied the bucks before me .My first choice,although the smaller turned out to have a better head than the other who sported a rather weak twisted spindly set and my mind was now set on taking him .The extended bipod ,already extended back at the start was cautiously raised and i looked through the scope only to see all heads looking at the hedge i,d just stalked from .I knew straight away what had occured ,i.d been spotted by the couched does and sure enough they were prancing along the hedge away from me barking as they went .The deer infront however just stood and watched and even provided a better shot as my buck swung round a bit to watch them.The tikka spoke and the buck made made short dash for the far hedge but didnt quite reach it before going over sideways as expected .Watched as the deer left the field in single file but theyll be back .



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