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new whippet pup advice

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Iam based in cheshire and have been ferreting and shooting for years with my trusty lab, but have recently bought a whippet dog called Bandit which I intend to take ferreting etc. Bandit is only ten weeks old,and as I am new to running dogs, I am just wondering if there is anything I should be doing to aid his trainining i.e. introducing him to rabbits? if so dead or alive etc.


I would be most greatfull for any advice.


Many thanks in advance



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as above basic training and commands ,let him/her be a pup for a while and play , when teaching retrieving i use a tennis ball with a rabbits fur stitched over it then move on to a dummy covered rabbit skin to get them use to having fur in there mouths dont use to heavy of a dummy tho to start with

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