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Off out for a couple hours this afternoon.

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Well after walking round some my permission last night i've decided i need get out with the ferrets today knock some numbers down , don't care what anyone says about seasons for ferreting , rabbiting etc... they are pests and on this particular piece of land i have control them all year round as it's mainly crop land , had the farmer on to me saying they all over eating the seedlings. So thought i'd pop down and see for myself , and it was like watership down they were everywere. So bag packed , dog and my little 410 at the ready , wish me luck . Will try get some pictures for you guys.

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same here mate i was out last week round the permissions and i reckon theres a day and a half's ferreting that still could be done .and i will fit that in ,within the next week

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Thats fair enough mate,but you'll probably spend more time digging than you will getting through the setts. Could you not lamp it with dog or rifle or possibly longnetting after dark much better this time of year if you need them gone



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Thanks guys , and yes i also shoot them on lamp to control them , but i like good bit ferreting too. Had one dig not too bad , was just a single rabbit at stop end . Ended the couple of hours with half dozen pesty rabbits , not as many as i hoped but few less at least. Hope you's like , i'm not the best of photographer am affraid haha.














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Was quite happy for couple hours work , not a far drive from mine either . And yes its a hob , he's just started working , think he's getting hang of it haha he's got some boots to fill as my last two hobs were unreal workers , top notch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were out today they where flying out got a few and no digging , the farmer moaned about some at his back door and we did it as a favor ten minutes with secateurs saw us ferreting

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