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After a nice light pcp

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I have shot my friends Brocock enigma TDR - very nice, accurate, light, Robust, its ideal if you want to shoot from a vehicle as it is very compact


The seals seem to have gone on my friends now but when it was working it was a very nice rifle - 1 hole groups at 35yrds with a .22


Im afraid thats my only experience with Brocock





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  On 19/05/2012 at 17:23, paul welsh said:

Thanks for the reply my old man got a aa200 she shoots that on a regular basis. But was thinking about a brocock as I have never shot one was after some feed back


Why didn't you just say that you were after some feedback on the Brocock's then instead of asking

  On 19/05/2012 at 16:16, paul welsh said:

I was after your opinions as to what to get her. She wants multi shot and as light as possible.


You sure your called Paul and not Paula?

I was sure only a woman could do that, indeed thats the kinda thing my ex used to do :wallbash:

She used to think I could read her mind as well :yes:

Always saying one thing but meaning something totally different! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Id go for a new Italian stocked BSA Ultra multi myself.


As you want small, light and pointable making it idea for stalking or from a car window.


Fit a Hogan Decimetre silencer to it and its very very quiet too.


My other choices would be a AA S200 with conversion kit.


I myself was going to buy a brand new Brocock Contour Super 6 XL in .22 for ratting last week but after chatting to someone in the know he advised me not to go for one as he said that they are generally well under powered, from any thing like 8 foot to10 foot pounds and they break pretty easily with seals ect.


Maybe its true and maybe its not but the man who advised me I trust and he defo knows his rifles.


I hope that you do manage to find what suits you and your mrs though buddy.



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Hi buddy

don't forget the falcon light Hunter.they are light and deadly accurate.why don't you and the misses come along to the meet. Plenty of air rifles to look at and maybe try!



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Thanks for all the advice. To be honest. There seams to be a massive choice out there all have there pros and cons. I was at my local gun shop and range yesterday I spoke to the fella who owns the shop and he said they have stopped makin falcons now to concentrate on aa side of the business.

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