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Super 10 or Hold on?

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Hello all, I need you collective knowledge and expertise to help me out on this one!


I have been trawling the Ads for a looooong time now looking for a good .22 at a reasonable price, now i know there are many good guns out there but i have been specifically looking at Super 10s / R10s / Rapids (very hard to find one in my price range) those style of rifle.


My price range is £300 - £400. (£400 if i can keep the recipt away from the wife :angel: )


Now a S/H Super 10 has come up within my price range and i have become very indecisive :hmm:should i go for the Super10 or hold out and save a little more so i can go out and buy a new R10 or a second hand Rapid - would i be happy with a super10?


I havent had a chance to shoot a super10 which I think adds a little to my hesitation (i have shot the R10 and Rapid) which I why I want to draw on some members experience with them. I have read reviews / watched videos etc which all show the super10 in a good light.


My plan is to use it for hunting in windy / worsening conditions shooting from 15-50yards - In the sort of conditions that i dislike using my .177, i am after a worker not a showpiece.


I have the green light from the 'Fun Adjuster' (wife) which would normally mean i would already be in the shop dribbling over new toys - however i want to get this decision right and only buy once!


What do you think guys, Super 10 or hold out and save up?





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me personaly i'd wait and get what i set my mind on

i've got a hw100 .22 but i'm after a rapid, but like you say there not cheap

and most seem to need work or have had work done to them

but that could be an individual thing

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From what Ive read and seen the Super10 is a fantastic rifle pal.


What model is it BTW?


If the rifle is shooting within a good consistent working range say 10.8 to 11.7 foot pounds and its shooting straight and not all over the place then I see no reason why it would be worth waiting if you are just after a worker and not a looker buddy.


I'm sure any good working Super 10 will match a r10 for accuracy if you do your bit.


Looking back over the past 8 to 10 years BSA haven't made a inaccurate pcp at all.


Its just now down to how the rifle as been looked after by its previous owner / owners.


Try and go and test it first and shoulder it then you will know for sure pal.



Edited by zini
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I'm sure someone far better qualified than I will be along shortly, but i will say a superten owner came out hunting with me last night and was very impressed by my little S200. He even believed it to be more accurate.

If the fun adjuster won't like 400, she wont like the 5-700 of an r10!

Most i think would agree a good s10 is more than a match for the r10.

Decisions decisions...

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Cheers guys,


Si - its a Mk2 with a 17" barrel & mod from what the dealer has told me, im still waiting on the pics he is sending me. I think your right though i will try and arrange a test or at least a shoulder to get the feel for it.


My doubts might disappear when i get it in my hands and have a shoot





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I'm sure someone far better qualified than I will be along shortly, but i will say a superten owner came out hunting with me last night and was very impressed by my little S200. He even believed it to be more accurate.

If the fun adjuster won't like 400, she wont like the 5-700 of an r10!

Most i think would agree a good s10 is more than a match for the r10.

Decisions decisions...


Well thats true she wouldn't like it, and i would have to save up a little more for the R10 ...


maybe i could bend the truth a little more as to how much one costs :whistling::angel: She thinks my Air ranger only cost £400 :icon_eek: that one was a U shaped bend!





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I wouldn't say "more than a match" but definitely as accurate as a r10 from what I'm read and heard.


Ive only ever shot 1 and that was Darryl's (Marksman's) .22 Super 10, and that was pellet on pellet at 30 metres in my indoor range at Catterick base.


Sometimes price isn't everything though I believe.


Take the SS Ultra for example.


£309 from Blackpool Air Rifles.


Fantastic rifle and very accurate.



Edited by zini
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The superten is a fantastic rifle, I'm the proud owner of a second hand one and love it to bits, it does everything I want it to and more! Mines .22 because that's what I've always shot and used to it. The shot count is amazing on these things.


A very accurate rifle indeed and one of the all time greats as BSA don't make them anymore, ask any superten owner and they will all recommend them. I shot milegajo s200 last night and must say for an entry level pcp in terms of price they have top end pcp accuracy. It all comes down to your personal tastes but you won't go far wrong with a superten mate and easy to maintain!


Oh and yes the superten is regulated, shot after shot of consistency and large shot count means you don't have to lug a pump or divers bottle out into the field!


I believe from what I have read r10's are hit and miss with the earlier mk1's but the mk2's have had lots of earlier problems ironed out.


You might want to get your self over to the BSA owners site, when you have 30 posts you get access to the BSA rifles sales section and there are plenty of supertens for sale on there within your price range.

Edited by Mawders
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yup i love my full length super10 hasnt let me down yet.... there abit heavier than the r10 from what i read and i think thats actuly a advantage in windy conditions ..go have a feel of one and see what you think.... perfomance wise i doubt theres anything in it between the three guns your looking at and from what ive read the s10 and the rapid are probably the more reliable of the three.

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