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pellets ?

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curently just bought an aa s200 and just wonderd if any one could help in the right choice of pellets it is currently shooting rws but in the past iv used accupell in a bsa lightning xl and found them a brilliant pellet wonderd if any one had any other preferances and choice i could try?


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the 'Main' pellets seem to be


air arms diabolo field

H&N Field target trophy

JSB exact

RWS superfield


when i had a s200 .22 with 10shot it liked aa fields never had a problem and took rabbits and crows to 40+ yards no problem.

although the quality of the aa fields is pretty poor these days really flimsy and bend easily


hope this helps pal

all the best

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People say every barrels different,but buy a tin of jsb 4.52 and I don't think there is any person who has tried them an not got good groups with these..watch everyone come out the woodwork after that bold statement lol


Bold statement indeed :laugh:


They are absolutely crap in my barrel, seriously crap :yes:


They just fall straight through and out :angel::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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People say every barrels different,but buy a tin of jsb 4.52 and I don't think there is any person who has tried them an not got good groups with these..watch everyone come out the woodwork after that bold statement lol


Bold statement indeed :laugh:


They are absolutely crap in my barrel, seriously crap :yes:


They just fall straight through and out :angel::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Now thats very bold :D

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Superfields were ok but too fat, requiring a good shove of the bolt to insert. Jsb Exact/aa fields were much better in my s200. Am interested in the crosmans phantom and mole have used with deadly effect.

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