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just taken in a small snady hob been out for a while by the look of him covered in ticks and has had a bit of a rough time by the looks of it. got the ticks that i can see removed with the old otom remover and have given him the frontline treatment (spray as required) but hes got quite a few scabby wounds on him couple of sore toes aswell. after a good feed of fresh rabbit and a good drink hes fiighting fit and tame as you like. hes got very matted hair in places and as i said a few scrapes and scratches.



so whats the best course of action for cleaning him up gona leave it overnight to let the frontline take action and kill the remaining ticks. bearing in mind none of these wounds are bothering him any and hes no broken limbs. just need to get him washed but what in???????????



apart from all that he seems fine he sure loves his rabbit aswell just put it in with him and he was straight to the back of the neck for a quick rag about hopefully he will turn out to be a new worker for me.

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As The One says mate, a small amount of dog shampoo will work. It's what I used on the one I took in. However if you dont have any, pets at home actually does a ferret shampoo that is probabley cheaper than the dog stuff?


The one I took in had been attacked by next doors dog and looked in really bad shape .. Didn't work it as it looked old but I gave it a couple of months of comfort.. it died comfortly (in its sleep) so im putting it down to definate old age.. was a really tame friendly ferret but dont think it was ever worked.. feels good when they on the brink.. come to you totally helpless and weak and you build them back up.

Good luck with it mate.

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  On 18/05/2012 at 16:04, muddy210 said:

just taken in a small snady hob been out for a while by the look of him covered in ticks and has had a bit of a rough time by the looks of it. got the ticks that i can see removed with the old otom remover and have given him the frontline treatment (spray as required) but hes got quite a few scabby wounds on him couple of sore toes aswell. after a good feed of fresh rabbit and a good drink hes fiighting fit and tame as you like. hes got very matted hair in places and as i said a few scrapes and scratches.



so whats the best course of action for cleaning him up gona leave it overnight to let the frontline take action and kill the remaining ticks. bearing in mind none of these wounds are bothering him any and hes no broken limbs. just need to get him washed but what in???????????



apart from all that he seems fine he sure loves his rabbit aswell just put it in with him and he was straight to the back of the neck for a quick rag about hopefully he will turn out to be a new worker for me.

you done the right things so far,as said by the other wash him, any scratches cuts ect clean with hibi scrub to stop any infections.
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When I took in my rescue jill, she was well matted, I used Johnsons baby shampoo, doesn't destroy the natural oils in the fur, it doesn't need a lot of washing off either, and you can do the ferrets head without the soap in getting in its eyes and it kicking off :thumbs:

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well 5 hours in and you would think hes been here for ever he settled in comfy as you like. gonna give him another check up in the morning for more ticks then poss give him a wash with some kiddy shampoo. looks like hes got a bit of ear cancur aswell so ill give him a drop of ointment is this safe for ferts??????????? itys the dog stuff

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well spent all day building a newhutch for "yo yo" as the kids have called him and just given him his shower he behaved awesome during his wash and i managed to remove yet more ticks. just gone to clean his ears with a bit of cotton wool and the poor little man had a bit of an episode to say the least poor bugger sh*t and piss*d himself still nothad a bite off him yet and after all the treatment ive put him through i am suprised on to his second rabbit now and got some kibble in there with him. after his wash just given him another once over and hes got a fair few battle wounds by the look of it given them a good clean and some antiseptic powder so hopefully he will get over all the knocks and bumps.

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