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Just came across this forum and thought it looked interesting, so here I am signed up and saying Hi :bye:


Just getting back into shooting after a long time out of the sport, making a family etc, etc.


Have a V-Mach tuned Hw97k in .22 that is superbly smooth and accurate. Will probably get myself a PCP at some point but I do love shooting a good quality springer.

I also have a couple of 12g shotguns that I inherited from my father, sadly after his passing last year. A Bettinsolli O/U and a Franchi Semi-Auto.

Would like to get myself a .22LR rimfire too eventually, but gotta find the right permission first obviously.


Wanna get into shooting Woodies and Bunnies for the pot mostly, and do a bit of pest and vermin control.


Well that's me, I look forward to reading about all your hunting trips, successful or not and I'll do my best to keep you informed of my exploits.



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