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The BSA r10 MK2 range and field review / test

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Hi lads and lasses,


This is a range and field test review I have just completed on my new custom BSA r10 Mk 2 that I purchased earlier this week from Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports.


I hope you enjoy the review and please look out for my spring rifle episodes that I will be filming very soon.




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Hi lads and lasses,   This is a range and field test review I have just completed on my new custom BSA r10 Mk 2 that I purchased earlier this week from Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports.   I hope

Great demonstration of Marksmanship Si with your new toy....Looking forward to seeing the vid with your new Springer in .22 Flavor

The screw cut allows you to fit a silencer of your choice, and its also a lot quieter than a standard shroud mate.   I'm getting the walnut thumb hole adjustable MFR from Theoben Rifles (.22), then

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  On 18/05/2012 at 07:48, villaman said:

Hi Si

Why have you gone for another .177 when you said in a early post you prefer .22 . Nice shooting again and another good vid


Hi buddy,


Because I got the rifle offered to me at a price that I could not say no too really buddy by Tony Wall at SFS.


I also like the r10 as a rifle very much after owning one before for about 2 years plus.


My .22 springer is ready for pick up next week and then the other rifle that Im buying in Feb is also a .22 custom Theoben and Ben Taylor MFR.


So I will have the benefits of both calibres.



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  On 18/05/2012 at 10:30, pro extreme hunter said:

hi si

Very nice shooting mate,loved the video ,quality stuff.used my last .177 till i was 16 never had one after that.All 8 of my airguns are in .22,After watching this video might add .177 in my collection as well.


Yes a .177 defo as a benefit when lamping bunnies or competing in HFT mate.



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  On 18/05/2012 at 10:34, StevoSmith said:

Great demonstration of Marksmanship Si with your new toy....Looking forward to seeing the vid with your new Springer in .22 Flavor :thumbs:


Thanks Stevo,


Yes I'm really looking forward myself to shooting again with a springer after so long of not owning one.


Now that I'm back on my feet after my expensive divorce I can start and build up my collection again and keep them this time.


I think that the PCPs will probably stay locked away now for the summer in the gun cabinet except for HFT and fast and furious rat shooting where I need a multi shot and the springer will be the main hunting tool over the next coming few months.


The last time I went out with Davy shooting with my old HW97KT I got 18 rabbits and a hare in a afternoon with it at one of Davy's permissions, but I will have to yet again practice to get rid of any bad shooting habits to get up to that standard again.


Give me 2 or 3 weeks of practice with it while it beds properly in and ill be there I'm sure filming some good clips.



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  On 18/05/2012 at 10:50, Skot Ruthless Teale said:

i neeeeeeed a pre charged! :shok:


I believe that your HW97KT is capable of doing what a pre charged can do pal if you practice hard and long enough. Ive seen a r10 matched with a HW77 when I was shooting with Simon Pianoman.



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  On 18/05/2012 at 12:49, Lewis Ste said:

is it just a standard r10 with the barrel removed? just my dads got a mk1 sitting under his bed and if its anywhere near as good as this one im going to steal it off him haha

great video si




Its a standard Mk 2 r10 with the shroud removed and the barrel screw cut to fit a silencer.


The internals have been played with a bit and the reg has been tweeked so I'm lead to believe by John Bowkett but to what extent I don't really know pal.


Its no where near as quiet as the HW100 S is but its just as accurate I believe and seems to fit me very nice.



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Hi Si,


Great shooting, watched the vid at about 11 last night :thumbs::laugh:


looks like you have got yourself a great shooter there.


Why the screw cut barrel instead of the normal shroud? does that effect the accuracy? i know it has some effect on the sound.


Where are you getting your MFR from?


Keep up the great work





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