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beddy whippets, any good ??

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The idea of a lurcher is to have the best of both worlds is it not?. A compromise. I dare say your Whippet won't work cover like my Whipplington and catch half the amount of rabbits my old fella as in

heres my we rabbiting bitch 19tts good we marker and worker and catches a few not the fastest but does her job got another two with a bit of greyhound in then and it does make a difference only 2 inch

No, you may be very proud of your dog, and I admire you for that, but I'd bring any Whippet I know, and race your dog and beat it !! Your dog's obviously a good dog for you, but please don't say she i

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  On 19/05/2012 at 20:40, chartpolski said:


No, you may be very proud of your dog, and I admire you for that, but I'd bring any Whippet I know, and race your dog and beat it !! Your dog's obviously a good dog for you, but please don't say she is as fast as a Whippet, or else we would have Beddy X racing instead of Whippet Racing !



The idea of a lurcher is to have the best of both worlds is it not?. A compromise. I dare say your Whippet won't work cover like my Whipplington and catch half the amount of rabbits my old fella as in his prime years, You wouldn't buy a beddy X for anything else than all round rabbiting so you have to be realistic, In my personal opinion a straight Whippet severley limits your rabbiting capabilities unless you run it with other dogs.........................

the proof is in the pudding.


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  On 19/05/2012 at 18:43, chartpolski said:

Here's a paradox for you...I love Bedlingtons and Whippets; but I've never fancied a Beddy/Whippet cross ! Can they do something what a pure Beddy or Pure Whippet can't ?



they can catch decent number by themselfs ie bush the cover and catch on the run!!! too do that with a beddlington or a whippet you would need both breeds! 2 dogs so they can do a lot what the pure breeds cant ........just saying :toast:
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  • 4 months later...

just reading through old threads , thought id add to this one. i think the ground i walk daytime, regularly is one perfect exsample for using beddy whippet rather than a full whippet or other lurcher. its all real close quarters hunting, there is no real great distance between the cover. ive rairly seen lurchers catch on the regular in this spot but its walkin distance from home and theres only so much time in the day when your workin so i kinda suffer it on the week days, what im getting at is, i have a lurcher already that has the makings of an all rounder, lamping/ferreting/ and maybe foxing when i can get out to the right spots for him , granted he should have a bit more success in this spot when my young bushing dog starts earning his keep but the reason i chose to get a beddyx aswell instead of a pure whippet is that even as sharp as a whippet might be on tight runs, these are very tight runs with a little bit of woodland aswell and i just think that a quick little hardy dog thats gonna smash the cover every time to grab his bunny{garanteed rabbit will make it to cover more times than not] and chase through if need be would have a much better catch rate than a pure whippet. and same applies for ferreting on this land, i just think if one slips the net and darts through the ditch i think ide rather a gamey little well bred 1st cross to smash through ditches/cover get on its ass. just my opinion for what its worth

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I've got a 1st cross here, she's 16 tts 7 months old, light as a feather and has the making of a good dog. She's quick of the mark and can turn like knowbodys business but she lacks a little top end speed, but saying that she is still young and got a bit more filling out to do so hopefully in a few more months it will all come together nicely. I've always wanted a bedlington whippet and I've got one and wouldn't change her for any dog out there..atb

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had my first proper night out on the lamp three weeks ago a good night got ten only eight in picture i know anyway took my little beddy along for his first time gave him afew slips and iam pleased with what i saw the other two dogs ranged from 22-25 inches my beddy accounted for none of the rabbits but did well for his first night having read through the topic i find my beddy to be a well rounded lurcher hes taking to ferreting/daytime mooching/lamping quiet well i must admit i think abit of height and brains wouldnt hurt but on the whole i see a decent lurcher in the making atb.

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  On 20/10/2012 at 09:51, nothernlite said:

heres my we rabbiting bitch 19tts good we marker and worker and catches a few not the fastest but does her job got another two with a bit of greyhound in then and it does make a difference only 2 inches but gives them a we bit more speed :thumbs:Picture265.jpgPicture173.jpg

smashin lookin animals. considering you work both beddyxwhippet and lurcher, can i ask a genuine question ? do you think your lurcher would have better success than your beddy whip on the type of heavily covered land ive described for day time a couple of posts before this or other way round ?
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My bedlington whippet was 18" tts , a blue rough coated bitch. Extremely well bred but a bit scatty temperament wise. This would be the beddie input.

These crosses often remain 'pups' until they are about two years old but when mature make great rabbiting dogs.

Being on the smaller size they can accelerate rapidly for the first 50 yds and can turn on a sixpence. Thus these lurchers make great rabbiting dogs in areas with small fields where the rabbits have the advantage of reaching the safety of hedgerows or drystone walls more easily . They are very good on the lamp.

These crosses are often bought for their looks.............as in Greengrass's dog in the TV series " Heartbeat ". Rough coated little lurchers.................like mini deerhounds. Very attractive.

But remember , looks are as good as looks do ! Not all dogs that look the business actually do the business.

Luckily though beddie / whippet crosses are more often than not natural rabbiters.

Some make good ratting dogs too !

P.S.............your collie whippet cross........................is it in pup now ?? Your post was not clear on this. If she is, when will the pups be due and how much ?


All the best,


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brenner every dogs different the we beddy whippet as good as my other dog its takes it time more covers every bit never misses anything thats in cover there for my other rushes through cover ive seen the other dog going over ground and the beddy whippet doing the same ground a minute after and putting something up as i said every dogs different all my dogs work cover the other 2 i have are beddy xs beddy whippet grey the other 2 have a we bit more pace :thumbs:

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