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A Welsh Longhorn cattle farmer, TB, badgers, and the suffering inflicted by the ignorance of people

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You have to sympathise with this & many many other farmers whome have seen thier lifes work slaughered , all because the minority out there are in denile that certain wild life pass on disese . Common sense has got to prevale & the minority put into there place , so that the farmers can do there job properly which is to provide food for the masses .

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Its a hard watch.


Was out yesterday thinning out a few numbers in a region famous for its cattle, (outside of UK). Like the vet said, in the UK its a wind in the willows fairytale.


GD Waz, whats the craic with earth work on the continent? Is it a case of landowner's permission and crack on? Or do you need to do hunting exams (eg jagdschiener etc?)

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Countries I know about you need a hunting licence/permit which you study and take exams for. Some countries you need an extra ticket to dig badger and have dogs kennels inspected, pretty straightforward.

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