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What sort of colour are these kits going to be ?

Guest vin

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First lot polys and silvers the nearest one a sandie ,the second lot dark silvers ?.

HERES some pics vin, of my white hob, and his sister as kits so you can see what colour they started life as         heres a close up of the mother,,, you can see shes kind of a silver/polc

as said the jill maybe has sussed out there no quite right and is letting nature take its course

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vin both of my black eyed white's that you have been out with ,,,,were identical to the silvers,, ferreter is holding on the previouse page at the bottom,, in particular the jill on the left of the photo,,,, there both 4 now,, and have got whiter over the years, to the point where even the black guard hairs have gone......


i agree with the one,,,,,polcat ,,sandys and some sivers,,,,or anything inbetween...lol

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1st litter opened thier eyes over the weekend.


2nd litter are 10 days later than 1st..they are still just sqweeking away..But they are a lot noisier that the 1st litter...I wonder if they are hungrier for some reason..? they all get the same amount of food...as much dry as they want and rabbit at night when the flies are asleep.



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vin both of my black eyed white's that you have been out with ,,,,were identical to the silvers,, ferreter is holding on the previouse page at the bottom,, in particular the jill on the left of the photo,,,, there both 4 now,, and have got whiter over the years, to the point where even the black guard hairs have gone......


i agree with the one,,,,,polcat ,,sandys and some sivers,,,,or anything inbetween...lol

tomo the silver jill in the pic on her own is the silver jill on the left when she was younger shes 5 year old nie and getin whiter every year the jill on the right is her daughter who will probely go the same way so i think most of these people who say they have dews really have moulted out silvers :thumbs: Edited by theferreter
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HERES some pics vin, of my white hob, and his sister as kits so you can see what colour they started life as








heres a close up of the mother,,, you can see shes kind of a silver/polcat



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Lost 2 from the second litter..one yesterday and another today..she moved them from one side of box to the other but left these alone and cold over night..I picked one up this morning and the missis has been feeding it with a syringe all day but it died about half an hour ago...considering the second litter is only 10 days behind the kits dont look as big and healthy as the other did at this age...I am wondering if the Jill is having problems feeding them...she does'nt seem to want to eat as much as the other jill with kits... so maybe there not getting enough from her..there was 10 theres now 8.

Shes not aggresive or stressed when im around and i havnt been disturbing her..so I am a little bit worried how they are gonna turn out,Or if she is gonna eject anymore from the litter..there too small to put with the other jill and ferrets and no where near strong enough to fend for themseves with the older kits if I tried using the other Jill as Surrogate..

Just gonna have to wait and see over next couple of days... I dont think I could manage hand rearing them. . .but might have to if all else fails.

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Don't forget they only have 8 nipples to feed off do that could maybe why she has rejected a couple of them.


So 8 can get consistent feed?


Sorry to hear you lost two but nature plays a funny card sometimes. I hope the rest go well for you mate.



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Yesterday the jill with the second litter chucked another litter kit out of the nest...i found it looking a bit ruff burried under the shavings in a corner of the hutch..thats 3 so far.. but this time i thought I would try and see if the other jill with the older kits would help out.. so i took the little cold lifeless kit and dragged it through a bit of the smelly corner of the new jills hutch (trying to get some scent onto it)..I then dropped it down besides her while i was playing with the other kits....she immediately sussed it was not right and dragged it off into a corner for close inspection...the poor little thing squeeked and i thought she was goona kill it,but she just stopped looked at it again and started licking its head and body all over...she was doing this for about 10 mins drgging it away from others and licking it all over..the more it squeeked the more she licked...she then got into the nest with it and laid down with the rest of them and let it feed...it took it quite a while to get any food because its tiny compared to the rest of the kits...but its managed it and got through the night and is still here today...this morning i gave it some extra helpings of minced chicked slightly watered down so it could drink it rather than eat it...ive got a feeling the little fella might just make it...fingers crossed for him...if he does make it with all these big kits.he will be a right little battle axx.


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