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What sort of colour are these kits going to be ?

Guest vin

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Hello all.


I've got 2 litters of kits..Same hob...(polecat/ferret type) different Jills...both polecat types..one has a silver tip to its fur and a slightly silver tip to its tail..


here is the 1st lot of kits now about 4 weeks old..



And here is the second litter ..these are about 2 nearly 3 weeks old..they are a different colour and the fur seems longer than the others ever looked..



P.S. dont worry the jills are having a nice warm milky egg drink with lactose free Milk..So there quite happy for me to have a quick sneaky look.


I've started dropping a bit of rabbit in for them also...they are like little devils when they smell it...they love it..even though their eyes are not yet open they can smell it and find it and started sucking ripping and tearing straight away at it...iy give the jill a chance to have a rest from them for a while...I can see the portion of rabbit is gonna start rapidly increasing in the next week or so..LOL.


Ive already picked mine...its the one that keeps leaving the pack and having a mooch already...its off and about at every oppertunity..the jill is constantly having to return it to the nest...lol..If its the one that spends the longest on the wheel its deffo the one...lol.

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First lot polys and silvers the nearest one a sandie ,the second lot dark silvers ?.

HERES some pics vin, of my white hob, and his sister as kits so you can see what colour they started life as         heres a close up of the mother,,, you can see shes kind of a silver/polc

as said the jill maybe has sussed out there no quite right and is letting nature take its course

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cheers lads... there will be a one or 2 spares if anyone wants any...theres always a few let down at the last minute etc etc..I only bred them for me and my mates who all wanted a couple..so we,ll see..they all say oh yes i,ll have one until they speak to the missis..lol.

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has anyone got any pictures of fully grown Silvers to show me...?


I never look at the colour...just the size and temprement..


I have a complete mix up of all shapes and sizes now for my pack.


For next season Im starting out with 7 Jills. . . I started with 2 last year and it wasnt enough for some of the places I now have permission on.

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