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Damascus dagger by midnight

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Hello everybody.


I purchased this blank from Midnight a couple of months ago and have only just got round to putting a handle on it. It’s a stunning piece of work on midnight’s part.


I am posting this to get your feedback and to show Matt what I have done with it as I’m sure he would like to see what everyone gets up to with his work


All I have left to do is apply a finish to it, but I haven’t decided on which yet, I was thinking French polish, but I also have some linseed oil and yacht varnish along with various others in my possession.


I was also looking at carving a fish scale design on both sides, but I might leave it plain so as not to detract from the blade.


All contributions are greatly appreciated.




I used rather basic materials, the oak which I got from a friend. The pommel/end cap and bolster I stumbled across at b&q in a security bolt kit that was perfect for what I had in mind, and very cheap as it was broken so I got it discounted.




Also if 'The gaffer' happens to read this I might get him to sheath it for me, but ill pm him anyway



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tristan thats great !!! well done wow i really like that and you would be amased how close that is to how i imagined it to be finnished .

i really like that ! good use of materials to , bloody brilliant . it needs the right sort of sheath for it now .

well done again , and thanks for doing the pics for me !

all the best , matt

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tristan that looks the bomb mate brill i like this one i have the perfect sheath in mind just for that knife mate i have been wanting to make one just for a knife of that type and style for agers now . i wouldn't put anything like a pattern on the handle i all so think it would take a way from the blade but if you did put owt on it a lot of people are branding stuff in to the wood rarther than carving just and idea ? looks spot on mate i recon the ausie pig lads would wont one of those :yes: FACT

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Thanks Matt, much appreciated. It's good to know that you approve of it and we were sort of on the same wavelength.

Gaffer, I did look at branding it because my friend is a tattoo artist and he also brands wood as a hobby to sell on so could see what he can do.

I would like to take up your offer of sheathing it, I don't know where to start with leather work and I've heard good reviews of yours. How would I go about getting you to make it for me?

Thanks again

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This is in now way taking work away from gaffer buddy but if that was mine I would make a sheath similar design to this and then display the dagger and sheath on a stand



I did one of these for a customer as a dress knife cant find my pictures


and the sheath can be carved if wanted


Would look really good I think


Just on yours will be longer and slimmer


Atb rob

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