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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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Guest Moscow

I think he's a good sort Moscow,he's done a bit I know that much? Whin do you ever bump into other folk out hunting when you are out? ATB Andy


Andy I disagree, reading his posts makes me want to self harm. I would rather drink petrol and piss on a fire than spend time with him.

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giro and night time nellie it was me that said about your dog. if you want to talk about it pm me your number instead of ruining a good thread..


i have never said your dogs wer in bad condition though, dont think thatd had ever been mentioned

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tiny this is poacherspocket thread leave it at that , i never charged anybody to look at afew pics as if i invite someone im the guest and agood host at that


Most have said that Whin, And that your a Gent....



But you dont have come out with it on here at times... I know somes a wind up ect but it get shitty after a while...



But i agree mate leave the thread alone and back too Minshaws or what ever there called... Atb fellah :thumbs:

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poachers pocket lurchers,fech that minshaw eighties nonsense , all the best


Hey Whin I've probably kept the feckers longer than him haha...lots of the dogs carry a high % in their bloodlines of some of the older dogs labelled as Minshaws in years gone by so it just seems the right thing to do does it not to give the dogs the same tag? ATB Andy

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Can one of the mods remove the shite that whin is putting up before this thread is turned into yet more bickering.


We all know he craves the attention, his dogs are the best for his big land running rabs hares n catching phezzies & salmo. I think a few lads, frankel ginny spinner, myself included have offered whin the chance to see these mere jukels run on 'his' land and as far as I am aware, nothing has ever came of it

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time to change andy and move with the times there dale dogs or poacher pockets dogs mate fech giving somebody credit twenty years ago he hasnt probaly got a minshaw lurcher the guys name you are useing lol i see you piont a bit but to me there yours now not minshaw like my lurcher they have been ionmy kennels for along time , whinshaws lol

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