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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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Bob was from injun joe the famous whippet greyhound to a coursing bitch sal grey first cross I think, he was a lovely little runner ste, very tight on his game with speed to burn

the lad that owned him used to post on here, but not sure he still does

I don't think he has stuff bred from him but I'll likely see him and ask this week lol

But I think there is some very good fen stuff from his loins

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No,whisper was put to bob to produce ace, very fast litter real good gobs,seen few from the litter run, all of them jacked tho. Indie Carson were from Molly to bob, just looked back over topic, I remember tht Fred dog jy had,smart looking animal. Anyone know what happened to that solo dog? Did big Darren keep it?

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He was a brindle , think Wayne ran him day and night as an all rounder type, I only ever went out with him 5 6 times maybe as we were always busy but he put stuff on the ground if he got a chance, great wee dog

I always thought I'd have summat off his blood in my kennel if I had the chance , a real useful dog

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They jacked every where mate,shame cos real classy killers, hellish exiting to watch. They were bred from to and produced more jackers haha,, folk never learn do they!!!!!!! How are all the recent minshaw stuff running now? (Question to anyone)Pm if preferred

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Your right Baz, Molly was somewhere related to whisper but looked nothing like it, the whisper litter were the same age as the lucky litter out of judy were I got my dog from,


Fred was a big red mostly saluki type bred from nuttall stuff? Again correct me if wrong , he is ran by vic on the first vid? And fly ran by j y I believe was a half cross same parents as judy just repeat mating,


I'd never seen purpose bred hare dogs before, only ratching and lamping jukels when I seen fly murder two hares off one slip at pedder hill, I'd seen nothing like the power and pace that dog had, shame it was killed

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Judy and whisper were sisters,one went to bob,other to lucky...Molly was nothing to do with them,but was around at same time.no solo that sired breeze was a big black powerful dog,with white blaze on his chest. That other solo your on about was bred from hammy s bitch,nancy.... It was useless,only killed odd hares, I had it for a while to try and sort it ,but it just didn't have it in it.

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  On 27/12/2013 at 14:47, baz said:

They jacked every where mate,shame cos real classy killers, hellish exiting to watch. They were bred from to and produced more jackers haha,, folk never learn do they!!!!!!! How are all the recent minshaw stuff running now? (Question to anyone)Pm if preferred

I got a bitch here out of Don that's been going well this season, she's a bit limited due to her size but as plenty of drive. :thumbs:

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  On 27/12/2013 at 14:47, baz said:

They jacked every where mate,shame cos real classy killers, hellish exiting to watch. They were bred from to and produced more jackers haha,, folk never learn do they!!!!!!! How are all the recent minshaw stuff running now? (Question to anyone)Pm if preferred

Mines doing everything possible for a lurcher to do only in her first season, my older bitch does everything too. Doesn't like teeth as much but will do them with other dogs

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Mines doing everything possible for a lurcher to do only in her first season, my older bitch does everything too. Doesn't like teeth as much but will do them with other dogs


Spot on,is that the rough white one? Are youse putting them into big bags yet? Testing stamina

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