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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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did you phone ?


No i haven't rang,if you go on Dragon Driving and pups you'll see the Ad plus number..to be honest i was just curious,i ain't fussed but i'd be a wee bit amazed if they are out of mine..well if they are it's a good few years back..i live in the next town to Whitehaven,someone must of got their info slightly wrong i'd guess?

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Fuji, she was a great bitch on edible gear, bags of stamina and caught gear from up Scotch to Kent. Funny but like a lot of this blood, lamping hares was her specialty and even though she ran 'em well local, it wasn't till we headed far north that I really seen what she was made of. Gentle easy going girl too, just a joy to own and run, though if I'm honest I did push her too hard sometimes. I never bred anything from her, she died, aged 7 in a collision when a young dog slipped its collar, sickener...!

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Had a ratch about this morning with some of the team :icon_redface: ..terriers will have no fecking legs left if they don't stop running about so much :laugh: ..we were away at 1st light and old Charlie boy evaded us again,to be honest it's nigh on impossible to make contact as it's just so dense in both woodland and gorse,the gun lads nail a few but still it get's the dogs into the "mode" :yes:..lurchers come back in a reasonable time but the terriers lol,well if they get onto anything :whistling: ..it was "nippy" early on but the sun is splitting the trees now although it's only 1C according to the temp thingy in the car?...still it was good to be out and about :victory: ..













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Aye it's funny how they nigh on all seem to show their best at that feat Bosun? Not sure what makes them like that but all my old dogs were exactly the same...you would think chasing a few bunnies on the lamp would be easier for them but the thick feckers would rather run 30 hares :laugh:

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Reggie's matureing into a nice animal.... :yes:


He's a decent dog T7..he takes EVERYTHING,very obedient dog,works cover like a terrier,good lamp dog..never win you a rosette lol but he puts gear to bed and that's what it's about unless your only into showing your dogs? He's been a wee bit under the weather but seems to be back on the mend? Frankel has been treating him daily with penicillin tablets..lost a fair bit of weight he did and was pissing a bit of blood but all seems good now,just need his weight back on...fecking dogs eh? It's always summat!

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I wonder who has these and what these actually are?...oh and i dont live in Whitehaven lol...these are on Dragon Driving..my mate from Newcastle text me the link last night :hmm: ..


Lurcher Puppies- New


Minshaw lurcher pups for sale, both parents are full Minshaw's and both go back to Vic's dog, Blue. We have had this breed for over 20 years and are very, very good dogs. The father came from Andy at Whitehaven.

I mostly go out on the lamp with my dogs and take 85-90% of what i run. Day is no prob either as they have stamina second to none. These dogs take all game. Bred for own use.

Blues and blacks. Dogs £275, bitches £300. Working homes only. Ring Billy.

Price: £300 no offers

Location: Derbyshire

Contact: Billy

Phone: "edited to remove" ;)

ANDY i put this up on OFTP 4 week ago to see if anyone knew who it was as apparently billy is

your nephew :huh:

for sale proper minshaw lurcher pups both sire and dam are minshaws and both go back to vic minshaws dog blue my uncal as bred these minshaws for over 20 years and knew victor well these are top class dogs bred for own use dogs £250 bichs £300 ready 20/12/12 billy


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I ain't a fecking clue who it is Pritch and definitely NOT my nephew! Probably ANOTHER band wagon jumper eh? If I could be arsed listening to a load of drivel I'd phone up haha

Edited by FUJI
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