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Xena has just turned 2. Been brilliant so far and showing some real potential to make a real cracker. When i picked her up i didn't look at her being a minshaw, but what her parents were...chester(sire) and lilly. I knew both were real good dogs and that made my mind up to have her and never looked back since. Just hoping to get some real hard work in front of her this coming season, give her some real tests. roll on the winter!!!!


So far she has taken everything, except what bites back. but i'm gonna be patient on that.


I put this up, so the thread stays as a minshaw thread. Andy, again thanks for putting pics up of Xena's fore-family.

I have only seen her twice but for me she has the best retrieve to date...i have seen dog's retrieve quick but she does it weather the terrier or lurcher is hanging on regarless..straight back to hand perfect an head held high.. :yes:

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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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PP22 what best dog you have had????Is there one that stand out :thumbs:


A dog called Bulpa was the best i've had imo..but having thought plenty about it if i had him today i'm not so sure if i would be saying the same thing? I had the dog in the mid 80's and still running hard 10 year later but i was out a hell of a lot back then and i mean a lot! I ran the dog wherever there was an abundance of game and i do mean ANYWHERE lol,nowadays though things are so different,my age for one thing i was young,keen,eager and darn right bloody daft back then..not anymore though :D ..it's always difficult to compare dogs from different generations imo,there was lots of gear to run back then too,now one flash of a lamp and the quarry is off,almost everywhere these days the game has been well educated to the lamp? As i said a few posts back,that bitch we had called Ginny was pretty darn impressive if i say so myself..i've had some real handy mutts over the years which have put some game to bed so to speak but the dog which caught the most by a long chalk was the Bulpa dog..he got the graft and put behind the most gear of all my dogs but fairplay to him he came up with the goods when asked to do so :thumbs: . ATB Andy. :victory:

couldn't knock old Jack dad he had everything imo from good looks to super fast pace

then to endless windpower. he was like the perfect dog..


anyways dad what about the flying carpet haha


get some pics of her up for me.

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bron looke nice but like millets dog she looks racier they look like to have alot of collie in them mate are they more just for rabbits and abit fereting , my good freind p douglas had maggie a full colie to katie colie grew bred by d slieght she was a good dog on the hills and rougher grass land but lacked pace on the wheat but a nice little bitch and very biddable he won 2 rabbit hunting trail awards with her ,this is a whle back 17 years ago , your dogs are very simliar never fancied a reverse three qaurter ,but some like them bron looks more like a strong halfcross

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bron looke nice but like millets dog she looks racier they look like to have alot of collie in them mate are they more just for rabbits and abit fereting , my good freind p douglas had maggie a full colie to katie colie grew bred by d slieght she was a good dog on the hills and rougher grass land but lacked pace on the wheat but a nice little bitch and very biddable he won 2 rabbit hunting trail awards with her ,this is a whle back 17 years ago , your dogs are very simliar never fancied a reverse three qaurter ,but some like them bron looks more like a strong halfcross




gee it a fookin rest ffs...

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Not the best of photos, but here is Bron, daughter of Don, taken today on a mouch about. Who knows what the future holds, but she can run, jump, use her nose, nothing scares her and she mostly comes back when called. . . . . so i'd say the future is bright, but we shall see over the next few winters. She will definatly get the chance to prove herself.








She looks fantastic :thumbs:

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bron looke nice but like millets dog she looks racier they look like to have alot of collie in them mate are they more just for rabbits and abit fereting , my good freind p douglas had maggie a full colie to katie colie grew bred by d slieght she was a good dog on the hills and rougher grass land but lacked pace on the wheat but a nice little bitch and very biddable he won 2 rabbit hunting trail awards with her ,this is a whle back 17 years ago , your dogs are very simliar never fancied a reverse three qaurter ,but some like them bron looks more like a strong halfcross



The lads who got these pups Whin were never under any illusion as to what they may or may not achieve..as i ain't with my own dogs..they wouldn't of been heading down the Fens with them or going for Red Deer had they been born 10 years earlier i don't think? They will hopefully serve the purpose which the lads got them for which i assume is as you say for rabbiting...fingers crossed they can lamp,hunt and work with the ferts...plenty of fun still to be had there imo? ..i know you say you've done all of that and you've bettered your dogs and moved on to dogs that suit the land you hunt and i say good on ya..after all you have to go to do a job with the right tools for the job and i'm confident the job these lads with the pups do they will have good enough tools for the task in hand with their young recruits? ATB Andy. ;)

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Couldn't give me one never seen a decent one yet.


What age are you 19 or 20? judging from your username :whistling:


Maybe he is 92? More experience than you :laugh: :laugh:

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Well all i can say the ones ive seen run are not worth a wank... Ive seen plenty of decent bulls over the years :whistling:


They all don't step up to the mark matey thats for sure..and that goes for ANY type..ATB Andy. ;)

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