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a few boar getting about now also becoming quite numerious with these wet drawn ot bloody days . atb bunnys.

You are rambling about now fella have ye been on the sauce :laugh::thumbs:

no hedz got none in the old teriier mans disease , atb bunnys.
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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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All this shit started from bunnys was because i put a pic of don up and all i said was he works well by the terriers.


Next thing he is in my ribs because i dont take 200-300 foxes every couple seasons with one dog!!! Then he offered a day/night on foxes!


He asked me a few genuine questions i answered them, there was a bit of winde up banter in between which was a laugh. But when i ask bunnys about his dogs its all cryptic and the posts are like reading riddles.


In my opinion this thread is dead. Wants shut down and all the shit deleted.


Atb jamie

Edited by frankel
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This WAS a very good thread, one of the best ! I've enjoyed the pics, breeding information and the stories; but now it has inevitably degenerated into the usual bitching and challenges !


I've even enjoyed some of Bunnys simplistic, rustic ramblings, (when I could work out if he meant "has" or "as" and "his" or "is" !! LOL !!). But lately he DOES sound jealous and bitter, coincedently just around the same time Whin was binned again !!


Perhaps the thread HAS ran it's course and maybe it should be locked and a mod could clean it up and leave a good, informative, enjoyable thread for others to read ? :thumbs:



Edited by chartpolski
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I agree with Reddawn, if you dont agree or have a different veiw it doesn't seem to go down well at all..

Some people lack the ability to have a constructive discussion, they dont think logically and react in a emotional manner :laugh: :laugh:


Says the man who went crying to Nellie when there was mention of a shite dog from the litter of his dog :yes: ..i was awaiting an apology from Nellie but as i seem to not have had one forthcoming he isn't possibly the man i always thought him to be and is more of the man i was told he was? ..Ah well,i'll not lose any sleep over it :laugh: ...oh and Bunny's your dog must be shite if it had to have the help of the tennis court fence to halt a deer :tongue2: ..wouldn't be of no use to Whin if it couldn't pull in the open..oh and you thick fecker you have NEVER been able to lamp em..dumbo :victory: ...thread ended..delete it Mods before it turns into more shite than it's already become?...enjoyeed it in the main..over & out...Andy. :thumbs:

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I agree with Reddawn, if you dont agree or have a different veiw it doesn't seem to go down well at all..

Some people lack the ability to have a constructive discussion, they dont think logically and react in a emotional manner :laugh: :laugh:


Says the man who went crying to Nellie when there was mention of a shite dog from the litter of his dog :yes: ..i was awaiting an apology from Nellie but as i seem to not have had one forthcoming he isn't possibly the man i always thought him to be and is more of the man i was told he was? ..Ah well,i'll not lose any sleep over it :laugh: ...oh and Bunny's your dog must be shite if it had to have the help of the tennis court fence to halt a deer :tongue2: ..wouldn't be of no use to Whin if it couldn't pull in the open..oh and you thick fecker you have NEVER been able to lamp em..dumbo :victory: ...thread ended..delete it Mods before it turns into more shite than it's already become?...enjoyeed it in the main..over & out...Andy. :thumbs:


I wouldn't delete it Andy. There's more good stuff than shite ! Let a Mod do his job and clean it up and lock it !! :thumbs:



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I would still add to this thread and have a good debate and answer or ask questions no problem. Plenty pics and stories to put on as well. Keep people interested and myself interested.


I will have to start buying a paper again at work if this gets deleted haha

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certain members trying to ruin this thread through jealousy? why ? youre correct in what you say frankel just by mentioning that don works well with the terriers . you get slated for not taking 200 + a season by bunnys . ignore the "haters" and jealousy good thread getting spoiled by the minority atb sesku

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Guest born to run1083

Aye keep the thread going I'd be interested to hear a few more tales and see a few more pics. Just delete bunnies last 50 posts of cryptic shit and let the minshaw related debates continue


Frankel in all honesty or own personal preference out of the Minshaws your all running or out with at the moment who would you say has that extra edge. Obviously they all gonna have there own strengths but if you could only pick one that in your own eyes has that extra little something which one would you pick and why

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I agree with Reddawn, if you dont agree or have a different veiw it doesn't seem to go down well at all..

Some people lack the ability to have a constructive discussion, they dont think logically and react in a emotional manner :laugh: :laugh:


Says the man who went crying to Nellie when there was mention of a shite dog from the litter of his dog :yes: ..i was awaiting an apology from Nellie but as i seem to not have had one forthcoming he isn't possibly the man i always thought him to be and is more of the man i was told he was? ..Ah well,i'll not lose any sleep over it :laugh: ...oh and Bunny's your dog must be shite if it had to have the help of the tennis court fence to halt a deer :tongue2: ..wouldn't be of no use to Whin if it couldn't pull in the open..oh and you thick fecker you have NEVER been able to lamp em..dumbo :victory: ...thread ended..delete it Mods before it turns into more shite than it's already become?...enjoyeed it in the main..over & out...Andy. :thumbs:



I would hardly call it "went Crying" :laugh: :laugh:


The mans husbandary skills and dogs were up for discussion its only fair he got his say ?? was no high expressed emotion or tears from me :icon_redface:


You cant have a unblemished thread and all back slapping becuase it would suite you, appears you would have it a little one sided :laugh: :laugh:


This thread would have a couple of good pages the rest is shite, Your boys arguing because I said I had seen a few spewers, Then we have had a bit Mark Brick Crack, Greyhounds, alsations, foxing , Whin ,challenges , badly spelt rubbish that I cant even read it just keeps going..


Its better than the first Minshaw thread you never mentioned your pix axe handle :laugh: :laugh:







And people slinging this Jelous crack is a joke, If people think I am jelous that you have to travel for hours to catch a bag load of rabbits their mistaken.


I am also not jelous of photos that are almost as old as me, I think some are great,remarkable but they are memories.. I prefer to live in the present, the here and now ..



How are them pups out of "Traveler" doing.... Whoops miss type I mean "Tyson" , That was a corcker..


A man selling pups and he never even knew how they were bred or did he think folk would just lap up all his crap ?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Lock it up mods :laugh: :laugh:


Andys away with his ball :laugh:

Edited by Giro
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