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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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  On 08/07/2012 at 20:13, bunnys said:
  On 08/07/2012 at 19:42, frankel said:

Spot on bunnys. Contradict yaself.


Dont come on here bigging yaself up when you have nothing to back up your theories with. I didnt think you have had or known a dog that took masses of fox and high numbers of other game (rabbit,hare,deer preban)


You dont pull wool over my eyes, best of luck to that alsation x it will need it

indeed it will but theres one thing may i say mooching tye just the same has that don dog and afew others i use a well bred animal for night work lamping etc , dare i say don would be going back up north with his tail between his legs if he did half the season withthe lines these are from atb bunnys.

your experience on the abilitys of animals frankell his very narrow , any one with one ounce of nouse will tell ya its difficult to breed toppers of any line and yet yourn are all the bees knes . Like as said we alll have standards . atb bunnys.
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  On 08/07/2012 at 20:41, bigdaddylongchopper said:

only don and swift.sounds like you like to pick your meat bunnys ,

those are thyne are they not and are they not the be bees knees dont want no jokers in the pack do we theres already enough of them . atb bunnys..
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  On 08/07/2012 at 21:00, bunnys said:
  On 08/07/2012 at 20:41, bigdaddylongchopper said:

only don and swift.sounds like you like to pick your meat bunnys ,

those are thyne are they not and are they not the be bees knees dont want no jokers in the pack do we theres already enough of them . atb bunnys..

ps the post was ment for frankel big daddy . atb bunnys.
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PP22, Frankel and Ginny Spinner have been very open and honest. Yet you continue to disrespect them without doing them the curtesy of providing proof of your superdogs. No origins of the line, none of the makeup or the threory behind the breeding decisions. Just a constant rant that "My dogs are better than yours"




Edited by tiercel
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  On 08/07/2012 at 21:12, Rabbithunter said:

Well one thingy teases my small mind is all this 'his' amd 'has'


Obviously its ment to be 'is' and 'as'... Arent we suposed to shorten, or abbreviate words, not make them longer?

sorry rabit hunte , i appoligise for the gramar . atb bunnys.
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