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Was she 27 inch and 84lb weight when in peak condition.???

animal of that height would be small in comparision to some in our team , could he honour himself for his weight and i dont mean on little furrys .atb bunnys.

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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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max thats milking old vics name ,but never a man to turn a wage away ,could be done but hees done quite a few pages now , so the book would be less intresting. look at Chalkie, darcy they say very little as they keep it for there books,but gleen of other people, well darcy does , Chalkie a bit more original , fishing everything to high, rain just stopped 2 hours ago rives far to high up here , but going with maggots worm tomorow up the moors a few wee wild lochs , time you pay tax ect youle make a wage,not knock any body who goes to work to better there selve

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. allways was told coputers were for kids .ATB BUNNYS.

Or for piss taking and wind up's.. :D

i suppose one could always do the fly ball rounds at the kc shows millet if all else fails . atb bunnys.

quote to mention the possibilitys are very likely atb bunnys.

Sorry for being thick Bunnys but i don't know what you mean with the last couple of post's regarding me.. :thumbs:

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Whin i honestly believe a Good Quality Hardback on Minshaws would be well worth the Space on anyones Bookshelf.

It could and should be extensive and would be a bargin for anyone at around the £40 mark if done with Quality in mind.

Imo you would shift 1000 copies in Britain no probs

Then same again around the globe, if not more.

Then sit Editions on a smaller scale but keeping the Quality on Minshaws Jack,Minshaws Bulpa, Kes, Rambo, ect ect

at say £19,99-24-99 each probably selling another 1000 copies of each.

This amounts to a tidy sum and some Quality historical reading.

Andy could then class himself as self made alongside yourself and mb ?

Fook it he could then go all out and have a Hopes for the Future detailing the Don dog and Swift ect

He could end up with more moolar than you and mb put together.

Then when he is old and ready to draw his pension he could top it up with his Final book and maybe call it

Self Made Minshaws.

You forgot Lil.. :cray: :D

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not got a problem just find it strange after all thoses years poachers bred them he still fixes the minshaw prefix , sure if i bred a dog as i have turned out good great, fech giving someone else the credit , as i bred them in my kennel i worked them out my kennel bud not any other man

youve neva owend a minshaw so stop coming on here going on about them if youve neva HAD A MINSHAW TO JUDGE ON AARON
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not got a problem just find it strange after all thoses years poachers bred them he still fixes the minshaw prefix , sure if i bred a dog as i have turned out good great, fech giving someone else the credit , as i bred them in my kennel i worked them out my kennel bud not any other man

youve neva owend a minshaw so stop coming on here going on about them if youve neva HAD A MINSHAW TO JUDGE ON AARON

:yes: :yes: I've never owned one either but I wouldn't knock another breed :thumbs:
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Whin has never seen a "Minshaw" lurcher of good breeding run but he never lets that get in the way of his crabbing :no:

To true moscow, to many people in today's society are to quick to jump on the band wagon and slag stuff off with even seeing or experiencing what there talking about. And am not just on about dogs either, just everyday stuff in all walks of life :thumbs: Atb
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Whin has never seen a "Minshaw" lurcher of good breeding run but he never lets that get in the way of his crabbing :no:

To true moscow, to many people in today's society are to quick to jump on the band wagon and slag stuff off with out even seeing or experiencing what there talking about. And am not just on about dogs either, just everyday stuff in all walks of life :thumbs: Atb

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Had a good walk out today with don and the terriers. Went in the lake district, it was a bit warm but had a good hunt up. Was a good bit if excercise for man & dogs..


Succesfull mark in a brick wall







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