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not such things as a minshaw the original breed is long gone , ans the fellow minshaw hasnt bred a litter for donkeys ,saw one working was simliar to a collie cross ,no a dog for open feilds with no hedges but would had been better for ferreting etc ,


You shouldn't of edited it lol,the fence bouncing and sheep craic and not able to run on open land was amusing to say the least...i quite like it when you post on a subject that you OBVIOUSLY no little about :tongue2: ..your post now actually makes you look quite intellectual :victory: ..keep on keeping on up there fella :D .ATB Andy. ;)



gutted i missed what he really thinks :laugh:

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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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Does anybody know the cross in which there are made up of? Heard a few different theorys but nothing concrete, thinking about getting one....?


Your considering getting one but don't know whats in them Well planned and thought out then...............


C'mon whin, i mean blackwater don't hold back on your thoughts, if you believe strongly don't edit it.....

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Can't wait for mine to get older as we've got loads of fences down here lol.


C'mon whin if you had any conviction in what you said why the edit, you usually slag 1st x as too slow etc but before you edited you were singing the praises of Bryn!

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Get a whinshaw there a well established line very well rounded, can catch anything anywhere day or night.


Will they do phezzies and lobster single handed?



single handed sammo's aswell

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Get a whinshaw there a well established line very well rounded, can catch anything anywhere day or night.


Will they do phezzies and lobster single handed?



single handed sammo's aswell


The stuff of legend!!

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Get a whinshaw there a well established line very well rounded, can catch anything anywhere day or night.


Haha...some witty people on here this morning lol,i like it. ATB Andy.

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I have seen two jack....


heard of more doing the same....


I would be more concerned with workers rather than a name tag...


I've seen plenty of dogs jack Giro including Minshaws..i owned one called Red that Chris has..it had a mind of it's own lol but also lots of other types too even the sister to your own bitch was a total jacker that i tried to re-home after the lad who owned her died...it can and does happen in all types of lurchers..having raced greyhounds for many years too i've even seen and owned the odd one lol that refused to run so again a no good jacker...if a greyhound won't chase then believe you me there's every chance that now and again there will be a lurcher that will do the same no matter how it's bred? ATB Andy...oh and to the lad thinking of getting one for what purpose are you wanting the dog? ie: day,lamp,edible game,teeth and such? :thumbs:


The sister to mine was ran on hares at six months old thats why it jacked...


I dont know why you did not PTS its been passed to piller to post, you ran it with kennel cough unfit :blink:


Now the point I am making is now these dog appear to bred because of blood line rather than working ability.. The bar is low but the price tag high...


Any young soul looking for a wonder dog could be lead down the garden path with pictures from the old days...




I would be very careful before parting with my cash hare and hounds ;)

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@Giro how is the price high??????


I got a pup here that was as cheap as chips imo, in fact I probably paid as much in fuel as I did for the dog!


If your talking about high prices you only need look at some stud fees being bandied about for some dogs let alone pups!

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