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cleaning Sound moderators

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Can anyone help me,What it the best way of cleaning the full bore sound moderator,I have 2 SAK mods on my rimfires which .22 I clean every 200 rounds my 17hmr the same they come apart and clean very easy.


I have a PES on my 6.5x55 which I clean every 20 or so rounds,this one is awkward as I was told to put oil down it every now and then,I dont agree with that, so I tend to unscrew it and clean it as best I can then give is a squirt of 3 in 1 and stand it on kitchen cloth in the cabinet,to get the access oil off,for some reason today its very stiff, and I have been unable to unscrew it to get the main body apart,I dont know if my change of loading powder is dirtier or what, I have started using N160 powder,would I be ok in giving it a squirt of carb cleaner,as I dont want to force anything,

Allso I have a north star moderator on my 223,do these come apart ??sorry for sounding stupid around the north star moderator, I bought it second hand and there was no instruction with it,any advice would be appreciated



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just a simple sprey with WD40 does the job, dont like the idea of water even if its dry still could get a bit down the barrel wouldnt be good with rust and things, i would stick to wd40 or something in the way of thin sprey oil the round will take ant crap out after that, just my opinion cheers mal

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