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Well STALKER came round earlier today for a cuppa and tell me about the buck he had shot earlier , Well just befor he went he asked if id like to go out stalking with him this evening , well not being one who needs asking twice it was arranged for him to pick me up about 6.30. So after i was picked up we set off to a farm fairly close to home which STALKER has permission on , on arriving we decided to park up for a while to let the sun go down a little , Not being there no more than 15 mins a young roe doe pops out the hedge about 150 yrds in front of us ,so we both sat there just watching her through the bins making her way along the hedge grabbing a bite to eat here and there, then i noticed something to our left , on closer inspection it was a hare , lovely to watch him enjoying the evening sun , then no more than 2 feet from the car was a young un who just hopped through the hedge , to just sit in the evening sunlight and watch the wildlife is a pleasure. Anyway after the sun had gone down a bit we decided to make our way to where we were going to have a walk. well we arrived parked up and set off , a few fields down and no sign ,then we approached a gateway , STALKER scanned with his bins , he whispered stay still as he had spotted a buck along the far hedgerow about 350 yrds away, after a few mins he had worked out the rout he was going to take , i was told to stay put .I positioned myself by the hedge as STALKER set off , The buck had now hopped the hedge into the next field , STALKER made his way around the first field and into the next thats when i lost sight of him , after about 20 mins he arrived back along the bottom hedge , the buck had vanished without trace .ON our way back towards the farm a buck was seen in the next field to us , he darted over the hedge across the lane and ito the field opposite , We walked across the field we were in and onto the lane down a ways from where he had gone across, we walked up the lane to a gateway STALKER believed he would have gone through, as we got there yep STALKER was right ,he was stood close to the hedge about 250 yrds away,again i was told to stay not move and be quiet, STALKER set off to the left where there was a little bit of cover , as he made his way towards the deer i could see the deers head come up from grazing ,ears pricked and away he went about another couple hundred yards away from STALKER this seem to happen quit a few times , every time STALKER got within shooting distance he seemed to know and bounded off , Well not to be outdone STALKER stayed on his tail ,he was now only a dot in the distance from me ,through the bins i could see him crouped down as he walked , i could just about make out the buck in the middle of a field ahead of STALKER well the stalk had now been going for nearly a hour .well after a few more mins i heard the crack of his rifle , i waited for a while then set off , on arriving to where STALKER was i was greeted with a huge smile from STALKER and the buck at his feet , Well what a pleasure to see the field craft that was used in order to take this deer and a great result because of it , so a very enjoyable and productive evening it was , well done bud on a top class stalk .


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