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Mixed doubles doubled!

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Decided to have an evening out at the permission. The rabbits are still fairly nocturnal and not all the pigeons have made friends yet, so there are a few odd ones about at the old roosts. So I started on a walk round and noticed some activity round by the old straw bales. Turns out the farmer had emptied the grain store waste and the pigeons were feeding on it. To get to it I had to cross the ditch of doom, scale the sheep fence, get over the electric fence, pick my way through the grazing lambs, avoid Labrahorse, get over the fence on the other side, make my way down the farm track and try and get into a firing position, quarter of a mile, open ground, no cover apart from the hedges down the farm track...


Got down, but between the hedge end and the firing position it was open, pigeons pigged off! I was well pigged off! Couple of pheasants clucked off, enjoying diplomatic immunity, then I saw the ears! 50 metres away was a rabbit, I managed to move behind the remains of the straw stack, this got me 10 metres closer. I waited for the gust to die off. Unfortunately I was upwind of rabbit. I got a good aim at the rabbit and fired. It just rolled over, so first one down.


Picked it up and walked back the short way which meant I would have been visible to the pigeons if they had been there, but they were not, so it did not matter, a quarter of a mile back to my bags, Dropped off rabbit and went to the other side of my permission. There was a rabbit in the clearing, I managed to get to 30 metres, raised the gun slowly, one mark over, fired, bunny flipped, then dropped! Two in the bag.


OK, time to switch quarry, I waited and annihilated a few annelids on the phone, Super Sheep work well! 5 pigeons flew in and roosted in the trees, so I stalked round under the cover of the laurels. Problem was I stalked to far, stuck my head out to see if I could find them, they pigged off! Expletives were uttered in profane abundance! Anyway I decided to skirt the laurels, got to the side coppice and made my way through the firs, there was one fat pigeon sat in the dead tree. Aim, one for hold under, fire, pigeon for pie!


Back I left him by the laurels, and one flew in to the birch and roosted, I moved to get a firing position, it flew off, 20 feet straight from left to right, much easier to get an aim on. Same hold under, fire, pigeon pie meat requirement complete.


So 2 of each today!



Edited by secretagentmole
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@falcongit Getting refurbishment prices on the Falcon piston! Making a wish list of parts and looking for a new home for the Original!

@mawders They were big pigeons too! Hit the ground with a hell of a thud!

Edited by secretagentmole
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A whole one mil hold under... that's gotta be .22. Super duper going mole. I rarely get more than one of anything, but that's ok as it means if i want protein, I have to hunt everyday... oh the drudgery, oh the shame! No time for contracted employment when my health and hunger is at stake! Hahahaha it's a tough life eh!

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well done moley canny little write up im sure i could hear you cursing them pigeons as they flew off ,nowt worse than a long stalk to your quarry only to see it fxck off at the last minute-billy

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@ftm Would not have been so bad but usually I cannot stalk up to a shootable position near them, but to get right under the swines and go past them made me blood boil a little!


Had a swine of a job with the second rabbit I prepared (the one nearest the HW), skinned it to find it had a damned tapeworm cyst on it. Binned the beggar! Don't need tapeworms!


@Zini Thanks Si, but the freezer is not full, we keep eating them or giving them to pensioner neighbours and relatives! Need to empty the pork out of the freezer, got some beef from our friendly pork supplier (Dexter cross breed), promises to be very nice!

Edited by secretagentmole
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