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Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
5 shots at 100 yards... :D the circle is 1 inch in dia.




Jesus wept, Snaps! That is some serious shooting! :icon_eek: I'm in awe!


And I tell ye what; I'm getting a 'pod as soon as I can get back to Daves! When I went bog blasting with Dean, I got lucky. I found what actually truned out to be a few plastic chairs and stuff laying under a sheet of black plastic. Anyway, I burrowed my way amongst this black heap and managed to find a rock steady position to fire from. Tad combatish, but it worked.


Today, when I went to zero on my neighbours field, I was firing down a slope (so the rounds hit into the field behind the target) and had to give up and come back here to fetch a box. Only problem is I then discovered how much water these fields can hold! Sitting was a no way and laying got me a soaked stomach. I sacrificed my stomach ~ don't want chalfonts!


Yeppers, so now I will get a 'pod. I'm also interested in any practical form of prone shooting mat! I have a kip mat here that'd do. Self inflating thing. It's even cammo! :laugh: But, unless I'm trying a stake out position, I can't see me carting that around. Something just water proof and about a yard square should do it. In fact, a Gortex lined jacket is what I'm trawling Cabelas for. Only they all seem to be Mossy Oak these days and I prefer Hardwood Green for this terrain. Wish someone would bring out Real Juncusâ„¢ !


Just been out for half an hour - unarmed - and saw things. Bummer is, I also saw the mist creeping up out of the bog :( If, by the time I've finished here, that mist isn't damn near up to the road, I may well attatch my CluLite and get back out there. See those things again and they're going down.


:laugh: At this rate, I'll be back at Dave's anyway; Need more ammo! I blew away sixty bloody rounds getting a half reasonable zero on this thing! Get that 'pod and I'll sharpen it up better. What's a hundred rounds to know I could shoot something like that, eh? Like, ok; Dave probably would've done it for me, for a score? But I wouldn't have had half so much fun! Anyway, I'm reserving rounds now for more serious work.


Oh well. Finish reading in here and I'll have a shine out the door. See what that damn mist's up to. Ye never know ..... ;)

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Guest Frank

It was foggy here aswell Ditch :( Tryd to get out to test my new bitch, not a cat in hells chance. :no:

O well, not to worry. ;)


Is that crow shot in the head? :icon_eek: Or was it shot with a shotgun. :D



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well dicth, just have a day of from work and i have a few hing to do, then hopefully i'll get an hours shooting at my local zeroing area, i'd advise ye to go for a shooting mat ditch, for about 80 euro and there coated with a waerproof layer on the bottom i'll post ye a pic of it later, as for shooting shooting at an angle to get a zero :no: AS it won't be a true zero. you must be firing dead level to the target only then will you have a true zero..

i'll post pics of the mat later to give you an idea.

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Guest Macnas



You can get a gortex set of German flektarn gortex cammo for pretty good money from the surplus places. It's not the best gortex in the world, its a bit stiff, but it's a very good pattern for Ireland and the trousers are the high waisted type with braces. You can just pull them on over the boots, which might be a plus for you....


You can get it on ebay pretty handy.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
German flektarn gortex cammo ..... it's a very good pattern for Ireland ..... just pull them on over the boots, which might be a plus for you....



:rofl::clapper: You B*stard! :tongue2: Remind me never to have a pint with you, mate. Because, as sure as eggs is eggs, you'd come out with something and I'd spray the f*cking bar! :laugh:


Anyway; I've been offered some british DPM kit with Gortex. Gift horses and all that. Plus I figure that pattern's been the same since god knows and has been used most places. If it was That bad, I'd guess they'd have changed it by now?


'Mind you, prowling around hedges at night, dolled up in british cammo and carrying a rifle ....? Think I'll stay well clear of the road while wearing that then!


Actually, there's an irony to all this that I'm yet to get my own head round; I went for a wander last night. I wore my usual clothes ~ drab green jacket ~ but put my HVV on! It has " PEST CONTROL " emblazoned across the back, see? Idea is two fold. One, it helps prevent me being mown down by passing moterists (surprising how many speed down that road, even at well gone midnight). For two; When a motor did approach, I'd stand to one side, usually in a farmhouse gate way, and turn my back to the headlights as I shielded the gun in front of me. Idea being that, given the option that I'm about to murder my neighbours or ..... Well, 'Pest Control' on a luminous vest, I think, should give them a better idea of what I'm up to out there.


But there's the dychotemy; Sneaking around in cammo, while wearing a High Visibility vest? In the dark?! I feel there's something more I should yet work out here! :laugh:



Snaps; That mat looks just the ticket, mate :good: It's very similar to my own Phantom kip pad. But I just feel that one would be less aggro to roll up and get on with. I'll check those out along with my BiPod :yes:


Ye've rather deflated me now though with the news that I've as good as just wasted forty rounds by firing down hill! I mean, FFS! Saying that though, with the terrain on my ground, I'm actually bloody unlikely to be making any dead horizontal shots anyway! I live in a huge basin, see? Safest shots, for me, will always be down from somewhere around the rim, look? With this weather, the lower, flatter 'bog' will always fill with pea soup as soon as it gets dark.


I'm thinking a closer zero may be a better otion for me now ~ I'll seldom get to see a 100 yard + target here at night. I'm also seriously thinking the Insurance which had slipped my mind may yet be a bloody good idea! :icon_eek: Actually being out there last night, with a high velocity rifle, Really brought it home to me to consider just what might be just the other side of that hedge! Cattle = K's! What ye reckon, lads?

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DITCH you would'nt want to zero that rifle any less than 100 yards. does'nt have to be dead level. but if you get a chance to shoot charlie at 150 or 175, it will be more guesswork to hold over. if you read the side of the ammo box it should give you a BC. rating (ballistic coefficent) and a velocity. PM me these numbers and i'll do you out a set of drop tables then you'll know your holdover at certain ranges..... DON'T :cry: it will all come right. with practice comes skill. :yes:

oh and as for insurance if your not sure were your shot is going don't take it, but the isurance is handy just in case.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
If you read the side of the ammo box it should give you a BC. rating (ballistic coefficent) and a velocity.



:unsure: Just read every word, mate. Nothing on there. I can tell ye these are Remington Express. 45 Grain Hollow Points. " R22HN2 ", if that last bit means anything? Batch # ?



For insurance if your not sure were your shot is going don't take it, but the isurance is handy just in case.



That's a foregone, obviously. I'm just thinking of the shot which skims over a foxes head by a millimeter because a mouse squeaks near him, just as the trigger sinks. Strikes an electric fence rebar behind him and before the bank a glancing blow and pings off to score a Bulls Eye fifty yards to the side. On Pat's Bull! :icon_eek:


Insurance exists precisely because the unthinkable has been historically proven never to be quite the impossible ;)

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A level field for zero would be best, but not absolutely necessary. Gravity effects the flight path of the bullet only along the horizontal path. If your target is 100 yards away HORIZONTALLY, it doesn't matter if it's slightly uphill or downhill. If you hold for, or sight in for the horizontal distance the bullet will have the same point of impact.


Now admittedly, establishing the horizontal distance is easier said than done. :hmm:

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Guest JohnGalway

Hmmm zeroing. For me, the idea is to get the best possible group that I'm able to on the most level bit of ground that's available to me at a range finded distance. Then I have a base to work from.


Shooting up or down at an angle will have a difference on where your bullet strikes. It may not be much of a difference but it may be enough of a difference to wound or miss depending on the distance of your target.


Once you zero your rifle. Find out online about shooting up/down at an angle, then if you can test that have a go just for interests sake. Always good to know these things.


When shooting off the bipod I bring a balaclava along (waiting here for the gasps and laughs...) but for a good reason. Two reasons really. Rolled up you can put it under the rifle butt, that along with the legs of the pod give a good stable rest. Also it's the best and warmest hat I've ever owned.


Yours incognito JG.

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Guest Macnas

Zero on relatively level ground, and when shooting on an incline of more than 20 degrees (up or down), subtract an eighth from the estimated distance. Simple as that.


Don't get too hung up on it, the hornet is flat shooting for all intents and purposes out to a bit beyond 100 yards, just get used to shooting the damn thing and don't fret the angles and distances too much.


Bet 'cha you'll spend better time getting used to the trigger and the gun than accounting for this variable or that.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Cheers, all :good: And a special thanks to Snappers, who went off to Google and got me the industry figures for the rounds I'm currently using ~ Bloody interesting and well worth knowing about!


Now then; I'd like to about bring this thread to a close now. It started off as me asking about some bits and pieces. Now it's twisting and turning and, I feel, others may miss the benefit of some of what's being said here. Plus I have other 'bits and pieces' to ask about, only I reckon they'll be best served by their own posts / threads. Look out for those ;)


Just to sum up then: I've been thinking about the zeroing I did yesterday. I'd say the field I used dropped less than six feet in 100 yards. I have no Protractor in the house and, frankly, just can't be bothered to elicit an erection, just to see what 35, let alone 20 degrees looks like :laugh: But, at a guestimate, I'd reckon my angle of fire wasn't too dramatic. But there's more .....


Haven't I Always said, right from the thread where I announced I was asking for this rifle in the first place, that I live ~ and my main permissions are all grouped ~ in a large land Basin. And that, with dwellings dotted around this basins rim, 90% of my safest shots will be directed down, into the basin, thus using the bog as my backdrop? In short; It probably makes perfect sense - in this individual circumstance - to get used to firing downward. Sort of turning accepted practice on it's head. In fact, with the small fields we have here, a 100 yard horizontally level shot is as far as I'll likely ever get to try for. Any further and it'll almost certainly be heading down hill anyway.


Work it out; I needed a long enough, safe enough 'range' to zero on. What's the best I could come up with? My neighbours field. One that led me to adopt the norm here: Firing away from his cottage. Down into the bog beyond :) That's how probably 98% of my shots will go.


Thinking about it, I'm quite chuffed now that I didn't know about this angle 'problem' before. Imagine if I'd set out for Sligo to zero my rifle on a proper range? I'd have got all the ranges, Hold Over's and god knows what sorted out to perfection. Come back here. Fired down the basin ..... and missed the f*kka! :icon_eek:


Well, once again, most Very grateful for all the in put from you experianced guys. Isn't that just what this place is all about, eh? Thankyou all very much :yes:


Now I'm off to kick off another section ~ Lasers! :D

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