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hw100 or aas410 ???

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heres the thing.. i WANT (dont actually NEED, as i have a decent springer already that does the job) a new shiny pcp but im LEFT Handed, and know almost nothing about the hw100 range..


few years back i had a left handed beech stock s410k .22 with left handed bolt etc


was wondering if the side cocking lever thingy mabob on the 100 comes in left handed, somewhere i read that the thumbhole version is 'ambidextrus'. it would be more awkward having to move my eye from the scope to re load/cock the rifle if it had a right handed bolt/lever thingy


when i had 410 before it waas a case of mag in, shoulder gun, find target, look through scope, squeese trigger, follow through, then just keep my eye lined up and re-cycle the bolt again.


i know it is a minor issue having to move my head sligghtly to re load betweeen shots, but if im going to end up paying between £500-£1000 ish for a gun and accesories etc then i want to get my moneys worth LOL

+ the cheak piece is sharp on the 410 so couldnt really use a right handed one, i know theres no recoil like but it stil wouldnt be comfortable!



so any help/oppinions of hw100/s410 owners in all there diffrent shapes and sizes and calibres would be helpful!


thanks again

SKoT :victory:

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another thing is, should i get a bottle or a pump?! does a pump really cause condensation inside your gun that can lead to problems a few months down the line? like leaks, and dried out seals n all that cr*p?? because i wouldnt want anything going wrong with it :icon_eek:

plus going to get your bottle re filled is a pain in the butt.. i know they last a while but when it started gettting low it would be a pain.

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aparently my 97 kt synthetic is based upon the 100 thumbhole stock..


iv held a 100thumbhole in a shop for like 10 secs lol just a quick look wasnt really paying that much attention to the lever. so i didnt know how far back it would be down the rifle.


to be honest the weight of the hw100 would be better i like a heavy gun im better with them.. i only have scrawny 'spaggetti' arms lol but i dont like them too light.

plus most of the time it would be on a sling over my shoulder, or using a bipod lol


and cost wise if i was to go brand new then to get the left handed s410 'upgrade' it wouldnt be that much cheaper than the hw would it?


then theres silencers spare mags new sling new bag bipod.. bottle or pump.

also scope lol


thinking il wait untill next year and save up lol ..


plus i only have 1 peermission at the min and its all close range stuff pigeons mostly. and theres only the odd few.. so to spend about a grand give or take a few hundred quid either way i think il just 'make do' with the 97 for now.. lol

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aparently my 97 kt synthetic is based upon the 100 thumbhole stock..


iv held a 100thumbhole in a shop for like 10 secs lol just a quick look wasnt really paying that much attention to the lever. so i didnt know how far back it would be down the rifle.


to be honest the weight of the hw100 would be better i like a heavy gun im better with them.. i only have scrawny 'spaggetti' arms lol but i dont like them too light.

plus most of the time it would be on a sling over my shoulder, or using a bipod lol


and cost wise if i was to go brand new then to get the left handed s410 'upgrade' it wouldnt be that much cheaper than the hw would it?


then theres silencers spare mags new sling new bag bipod.. bottle or pump.

also scope lol


thinking il wait untill next year and save up lol ..


plus i only have 1 peermission at the min and its all close range stuff pigeons mostly. and theres only the odd few.. so to spend about a grand give or take a few hundred quid either way i think il just 'make do' with the 97 for now.. lol


You get a top end moderator and two mags as standard with a HW100, if you cant stretch your wallet to a bottle to fill it with, go for a pump, and no matter what gun you buy, you'll need a sling and slip, go on, feed your heart and join the darkside :D

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'return' to the darkside you mean....

an the mags n silencer bit meant if i got a 410..


so are pumps as reliable as bottles then?... meaning is it 'clean' air, and wont cause damage to the bottle/cylinder? (read this somewhere and didnt know if it was true or not..?)


because when i had my s410k a few years back i had a 3ltr 300bar carbon fiiber lightweight bottle that was good until it ran out lol, plus i was a pansie lol so pumping was hard work LOL


but now i wouldnt mind pumping..


so whats average price difference between a decent pump and a bottle then guys??

also on the newest hw100's and s410's whats the max fill pressure

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  • 1 month later...

I have a HW100 not a lefty but I use a pump a FX 4 stage cost me £160. A lot cheaper than even the smallest bottles and a lot less hassle. It has a built in moisture trap so just as dry as a bottle. I have a custom cylinder fitted from A&M gunsmiths and it takes 5-10 minutes to pump up plus I'm disabled with use of only 1 hand and I manage to use it no problems. The 100s max fill pressure is 200bar not sure about the 410s.


I went pump because of not having any where local to fill a bottle and have never had a problem with my pump.

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I have a HW100 not a lefty but I use a pump a FX 4 stage cost me £160. A lot cheaper than even the smallest bottles and a lot less hassle. It has a built in moisture trap so just as dry as a bottle. I have a custom cylinder fitted from A&M gunsmiths and it takes 5-10 minutes to pump up plus I'm disabled with use of only 1 hand and I manage to use it no problems. The 100s max fill pressure is 200bar not sure about the 410s.


I went pump because of not having any where local to fill a bottle and have never had a problem with my pump.



Richard , please dont percieve this as some for of ridicule , but how do you get on shooting with one hand ?


Its a genuine question , and for someone to overcome difficulties such as you seem to have and still enjoy your sport , i for one take my hat off to you ,


Buster .

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