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Permission ??

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That Sir is like asking "How long is a piece of string" :yes:


Got my 2 paddock permissions using an informal chat with someone, Got two permissions after a woman approached me :clapper: (deffo the easiest) yet my main perm, took over 6 months of patience waiting for a reply from the church after a simple email :yes:


Word of mouth seems to be the best way :yes: One person speaking to another is far superior than trying to convince a single person. My main perm was the result of an enquiry to the Arch Deacon of York. Aim for the Stars and be happy when you hit the moon ;)



Edited by Phantom
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Stick with the small farm for a while :yes:

Once the farmer is happy with you, you can ask him if he would be happy to be provide a referance for you (if he's not already reccomending you).

Then inform perspective L.O's that you have been working for Mr.X and he/she/they will happily provide a referance :yes:

The ref must be genuine :yes: The church council quickly followed up my referance with the secretary of the local FTC (Field Target Club) to make sure I was a competent shooter.



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Agree with everything Tony has said here :thumbs: how old are you mate?...a lot of land owners are very wary of people shooting on their land due to the fear of damage to lifestock and property.....insurance is a must and being a member of local gun/rifle club helps if they want to inquire about you........Like Tony has said stick to your perm you have at moment get the land owner seeing what your doing for him....smile..listern to his worrys and reassure him/her and the rest will fall into place....Take zini(Si) up on his offer he is a top guy in his field and knows more than most about hunting with an AirRifle...You will get more perms in time mate it can take months but it WILL happen....Do a great job on your current perm the land owner will tell his buddys and chances are you will be asked to help them out with their problems.


ATB steve

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17 only a young un lol ! What kind of insurance is it personal liability insurance ? And yeah I'm defo gunna take si up on that offer he seems a top bloke and iv watched all his videos on YouTube an I hope I'll be shooting as good as him one day !

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17 only a young un lol ! What kind of insurance is it personal liability insurance ? And yeah I'm defo gunna take si up on that offer he seems a top bloke and iv watched all his videos on YouTube an I hope I'll be shooting as good as him one day !



Yeah mate Si is a top guy.....your 17 do you know the current laws reguarding the use of Air Arms? if not here is link http://www.basc.org..../air-rifles.cfm Insurance is a must mate BASC or Countryside Alliance are prob the best and im suprised the land owner has not asked....Get insurance fast mate just to cover yourself incase of an accident

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17 only a young un lol ! What kind of insurance is it personal liability insurance ? And yeah I'm defo gunna take si up on that offer he seems a top bloke and iv watched all his videos on YouTube an I hope I'll be shooting as good as him one day !


I'm in the same boat as you buddy I'm only 17 but my mam has horses so I control the vermin on that farm and then my girlfriends dad is a well known farmer so I use his name that normally works then the other week me and girlfriends brother who's 16 drive tractors and do jobs round another horse stables/farm and got some more permission so we aren't doing to bad. It's not what you know but who you know.



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Yeah I am aware I'm 18 soon so it won't be a problem ! How much is that roughly a year ? And the land owner is a friend of a friend so she just lets me shoot up there because I enjoy it more than anything tbh Mate !



As your under 21 i think its £22 for BASC and £18 with CA as your under 25...not 100% sure on this and im sure others will be more knowledgable on this

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I asked her when I first went a while ago but I'll she never got back to me I'll ask her again the next time I go mole cheers :) and yeah you couldn't be more right Lewis it's not what you no it's who ! An unfortunately I don't no any farmers lol,!!

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