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lamping dogs

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i personally dont do any lamping but many years a go

i bought a dog off a boy that did this dog was about 25

tts and built like a brick shit house.so off i goes with this

dog spots a hare slips the dog and its on it in a flash

realy giving this hare some pain the hare makes the

fence and the dog stops and comes straight back to heel

i walk up to the fence the dog straight over like a stag.

i walk another couple of fields slip the dog again same

thing just like a fecking robot i have no doubt it was

an exelent lamping dog but useless daylight has anybody

else experienced this. :victory:

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my dogs just used for lamping and ferreting better on the lamp more then anything else. dont take her out bushing at all really ;) after a chase she will come back to my side but carnt really moan makes up for it on the lamp :D

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