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Hawking Dvd's


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Hi guys,


Bought a dvd off ebay a few months back with a scottish bloke hunting his harris on all sorts. In woodland and out of the car. It also had the goldies and goss' at the end of the dvd as well. Just wondered if anyone knows of any other good falconry dvd's on e bay at the moment?? I've tried asking the sellers but there pretty useless. :(




Birdboy :D

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Its probably one of the better Car Hawking vids on the Market. One of the Gos's in the Vid called "Bart" I helped the guy who own it Chris Soans to turn into a semen donor last year and used him to Inseminate some German females, I have also used him again this year.


The little Blonde haired lad in the Vid who looks like Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth has now turned to flying them Longwingy things, this was him last year when he came down with his Peregrine on a Mallard which it did well to take in near gale force winds....

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