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is the whippet becoming to popular for its own good

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I have a kc whip I lure course and race from coursing lines, not bad for her weight in a straight line @ ped racing, traps well, but lure courses very well, of to highclere at the BSFA this Sunday, she works with ferrets very well probably too keen at the moment but she's still young.

Regards Bryan

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I like my whippets to look like a whippet, a beddy x whippets works but it's not a bloody whippet mate. I've seen some real crap being bred by the so called authority on working whippets. Its common k

I don't know you and you obviuosly don't know me with what your implying, however i will answer you questions   A show bred pup will cost from £400-£600, a working bred pup anything from £300- £600

whether your a fan of the kc whippet, non ped or lurcher is this not what the hunting life should be about guy's with experience helping others well done

Chalky, I was probably one of the first up here in the North East to own Bilko dogs, I was a fanatic from an early age with trying to get the best racing Whippets. I had Bilko, Blue Peter, Yorkie Boy, Darley Fly, Blue Fawn, etc bred pups, but I was allways into the Scratch Racing and matching, and those dogs were allways hard to come by. I still think they are some of the best running dogs/Long dogs ever, and wouldn't hesitate to use one of these scratch dogs in Lurcher breeding.



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Yes, they were superb,..real dogs,..and great family pets as well...

I remember when a son of Bilko came South,..Rch Flyby....wow,..what a superb animal he was....

We used to 'run the rag' down here for a while,.but the local council objected to the noise of a Sunday morning... :laugh: By feck,.them lads and lassies realy used to holler their dogs on... :laugh:


I had dogs out of Big Ben and Blue Peter,...but, unlike my old rabbiting pal Tony, who has stayed loyal to the track' to this day,.I walked away,.and went, 'hare brained'....


Great Summer days though,..I'll never forget them,...you neither, eh... :thumbs:

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As the non ped racing whips, are basically bred to get to a to b as quick as possible

How would you find them in the field, they are meant to be faster on the track than a ped,

but ped whippets appear to have good stamina for a whippet, and many have excellent nose,

an important feature for a rabbiting dog.


Having been a around bwra racing whippets my opion is that they are very fine built as they have to be, to get a big a dog that can run well as light as possible. This means they are not as robust as a kc working whippet in my opinion but i would think are much faster pound for pound. You could have a 21" bwra dog whippet running at 25/26lb a kc working type of that size would probably be over 30lb. I used to give my fathers racing dogs a run on the rabbits odd times but they were injury prone so he stopped me taking them out. Sounds daft but i think they are probably to fast and lightweight for running rough ground. I would not say they are all like this but ours were.


I wouldn't call this boy "not robust". He's just a yearling, but is making a name for himself with some tremendous times and allready has one track record.



And his owner isn't adverse to running a rabbit or two ! LOL !





Jack,this dogs sire :thumbs:

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scratch racing is the purest form of racing possible imo, no starts, no second prizes and no excuses, i cant understand people who complain about non peds entering lurcher races or un tatooed greyhounds etc your dog is the best on the day or its not .........simples

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Birdog; I hate the fact that people run Non-Peds and un-tattood Greyhounds at Lurcher Shows ! I think they are cowards who are afraid to run their dogs against the best racing dogs on a track,out of traps, with real judging !! I ran my Beddy x years ago, at a show or two. She is an out and out working dog, and is fast, for her breed, but could she beat these Greyhounds ? No way !! The "Lurcher" racing of today is between purpose bred race dogs that have never, and never will see live quarry !! Let race bred dogs stick to the track and leave Lurcher racing for working dogs having a bit summer fun !!


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i understand what your saying but where do you draw the line mate? bob's 1st cross is a cracking racer 40 odd pound bred by so what you'd like him but he does hunt him more than he races especially in the winter. i don't think it's a black and white issue thats why i think its easier and less hassle to let them all run

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i understand what your saying but where do you draw the line mate? bob's 1st cross is a cracking racer 40 odd pound bred by so what you'd like him but he does hunt him more than he races especially in the winter. i don't think it's a black and white issue thats why i think its easier and less hassle to let them all run


Of course it's not black and white to you and me, mate But to the people who only want to race; well, good luck to them, and I'm happy that they are breeding Whippet/Greyhounds..best to the best...that are available to us Lurcher lads to use these fantasticaly fast dogs in our Lurcher breeding programes ! Long live the Non-Ped, as far as I'm concrned !!



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jeff, youve hunted non peds for ages have you had many injuries?


No more than anyone else over the years I would imagine, although all I do now is abit of daytime mouching.

I agree that some grews are abit injury prone, due to wanting to get from A to B as quick as possible, but if they're brought up from a pup, they learn to be alot steadier :thumbs:

All my retired grews are off lead constantly on our walks and,not wanting to tempt fate or anything ,they've had no serious injuries, infact they got injured more when i raced them.

The ones I still race, I have to admit, I'm abit more careful where I let them off lead. :thumbs:

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