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what cross do you dislike & why ?

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i dont dislike any cross, as i see it horses for courses ,you be surpriced if you look good and bad in all crosses ,thing is lot of people on here havent seen some crosses work just heard off others t

The problem as I see it is that far too many people make up their minds based on just one or two examples of a type. Surely you'd need to see and know many examples of a type of lurcher before truly b

dont dislike any. what may suit one man may not suit another and visa versa.

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  On 14/05/2012 at 21:00, blackmaggie said:
  On 14/05/2012 at 20:34, salukiman said:
  On 14/05/2012 at 20:09, blackmaggie said:
  On 14/05/2012 at 19:43, omegathelast said:

For work and from my experience, Saluki crosses. My uncle got talked into buying one years ago when we were out working our collie crosses on a very regular basis. The dog would catch ok, albeit being a bit cumbersome over rough ground and short distances, would then proceed to bite the rabbit in half and then do about 20 laps of honour with the minced rabbit, scaring everything else off in the distance, especially if we were lamping. It came back "when its ready" and was, to be fair, thick as a stump. My preference is collie cross and then Bedlington crosses because I have see great dogs of both breeding.


For the image of the sport and country sports in general I dislike the prolification of Bull crosses and I know many genuine lurcher people quietly feel the same way - they have undoutably led the image of the lurcher and the lurcher owner down a very dark alley and I know for a fact lurcher owners are now firmly on the radar of the Wildlife Crime Officers and organisations like the RSPCA who now associate lurchers with the worst types of wildlife crime, whereas previously that was not so much the case. It makes me cringe to see these scarred monstrosities at shows and I think there needs to be a serious debate as to whether these dogs ought to be allowed, in the same way as many lurcher and terrier clubs took the brave yet essential decision to ban bull terriers from shows in the 80's and early 90's. They are doing untold damage to the already perilous image of this sport. All very true I am afraid.

sorry i disagree lurchermen have always been on the radar i dont think you can blame just the bull x for all the heat we now get i think you can blame the media for that there just as interested in hare coursers with there salukis x and you cant say its just bullx owners who are stealing from farms etc or leaving deer carcasses at the side of the road yes i do agree the cross does have a clown following but doesnt all crosses and any dog thats that badly scarred up then they should be left at home like any dog should be be it bullx or terrier


i agree with you on the media but the anti organisations have been given a platform to produce a propperganda campaign. which some owners of bull crosses have handed to them on a plate. when you consider the attitude of them its hard to find a defence that holds any positive .i feel for the minority of bull cross owners who are decent owners/ people because as the breed grows in popularity the % of wankers grows so does the attitude and defaces the true value of lurcher work and its comunity.

i agree with what your saying chavs with bullxs are a recipe for trouble and i would rather see them take up a different hobby the public have a view on lurchers thats been made by sensation headlines and joe public believes it but till all the dicks find something else to do we will still get all this bad press


this bad press is going to be around long after the chavs have lost interest and moved on which for the rest of us is tarnish like permenent marker. there has been issues in the past but we are no longer in a strong possition in respect to opinion and the law there is so much evedence out there that pionts towards the demise of our way of life. i say this because i belive it not as a dig to anyone. the opinion of average joe public is what will be nails in the coffin or our gardian angel and the side that can convince with the biggest impact will come out on top. this is what the fox program was about,a message in a message. if you had no knowlage of our sport and you watched any of the campains what conclusion would you reach

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  On 14/05/2012 at 20:52, FTBBTH said:

my biggest hate, a lurcher with bull in, slow shite for the turns, no stamina and too rough, if they do get around to catch anything for the plate, its ripped to shreds.


i dont like lurchers which are less sighthound than anything i think a lurcher shouldhave more sighthound than anything in the make up. imo dainty whippet capable of catching a cold are no good either

Connaugh you should stick to your BMX because you know feck all about lurchers,you spout on like you been in the game 60 years when you've only been on the planet 16!

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i would say dogs killing varmits is no big deal wether fox or whatever as that is what they were bred for to kill varmits, wether up in the higlands of scotland todd killing dogs are handy as foxes kill lambs so do badgers , so a handy dog will help the todd hunter to kill the varmit , as its his job , part of countryside matters having dogs to help deal with pests , guns are handy snares to but its handy having agood strong dog like acoyote hound or deerhond type to kill varmits pests etc ,ive saw fox packs pre ban acoount for 10 foxes in a day saved the farmer a good few lambs

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bull x to broad cant turn cant jump with out leaving a leg behind, colie x to smart beddyx to small deerhound x to big, other terrier xs to hard in the mouth, an whippet xs fuckn sitting shaking like a priest on a line up

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  On 14/05/2012 at 21:31, SeanMcD said:

bull x to broad cant turn cant jump with out leaving a leg behind, colie x to smart beddyx to small deerhound x to big, other terrier xs to hard in the mouth, an whippet xs fuckn sitting shaking like a priest on a line up

that made me smile. cheers
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How many people who hate the saluki and the bull xs have honestly owned either that we're well breed and fetched on properly and given a fair crack of the whip?


I own

1. Doxhope/cooklands 1st cross deerhound greyhound bitch ( getting tested this year )

2. Platts 1st cross deerhound bitch ( tried and doing the job )

3. My own line breed Saluki xs bitch ( average courser, decent rabbit bitch with lamp and ferret)

4. Bull greyhound (not heavy 1st cross) x Wheaton greyhound breed from 2 good racey hard workers. (12 week bitch pup )


Keep your mind open and chose dogs to fit a job you do, not on biast old fashioned views. And a Lurcher with a bit of bull is a world away from a coby first cross so you can't really say I don't like bulls or salukis or collies as if the percentages aren't equall to what you need your bound to fail.


What I ask for in the field whippet x greyhound will not do as its not showing and racing so I wouldn't entertain a little or big burner.

And i don't think the whell needs reinventing so I wouldn't waste food on a Airedale / alaunt / Doberman etc which Are breed by ATTENTION SEEKERS but I've had most other crosses and there's good and bad in all.


Question To Romany.

I value your opinion.. but have you honestly owned tried and tested a Lurcher with some bull in it ( a racey type running dog ) or a biddable ( not 1 who you can't get back and behaves more like a cat than a dog ) saluki x or a Lurcher with a bit in it.?

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Good informative post baldrick but you've contradicted your own argument by shooting down the whippet greyhound. Wasn't there such a breeding which did well in your coveted pant stiffing forley cup?

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My tuppence worth for all it's worth.... I hate, no hate is a strong word, I despise saluki crosses. I need a dog that can hunt, has a good turn of speed, a good gearbox, gets on terms as fast as possible but has plenty in the tank to see the job out. It has to be intelligent enough to know it's quarries escape routes and apply appropriate pressure at the right time. A plodder just can't do that. Someone with his finger on the button who shall remain nameless (incase he has had a humor bypass) once said that great men are breeding salukis which will replace the greyhound as the base for lurcher crosses or words to that effect. Impossible. A greyhound is fast because of it's build, saluki has stamina due to it's build. You can't make a sprinter from a long distance runner and vice versa.


Now I'm not saying salukis don't have there place but I am saying they are limited to larger land where the qualities I'm looking for aren't needed. They thrive on the fens where average dogs can become film stars catching 4,5's,6's. That's fine but the owners would have you believe this makes them the be all end all. How many times have you heard on here your dogs no good if it can't do it on big land? Where the truth is their dogs can only do it on big land. It's an arrogant stance which holds no water with me. If watching a dog grind down a hare floats your boat fair do's but don't tell me it's better than a dog which can kill on all terrain on a regular basis.


And before you come on throwing your challenges, when my dogs were at their fittest I accepted umpteen challenges on here which you all backed out of when I mentioned home and away. That included the ones who were gonna give me a good slap for my troubles. Now I don't have a dog worthy of a challenge but that's about to change sometime soon. You can call me what you like but I only tell the truth. I don't throw out challenges if I can't back them up.

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  On 14/05/2012 at 21:23, johnny boy68 said:
  On 14/05/2012 at 20:52, FTBBTH said:

my biggest hate, a lurcher with bull in, slow shite for the turns, no stamina and too rough, if they do get around to catch anything for the plate, its ripped to shreds.


i dont like lurchers which are less sighthound than anything i think a lurcher shouldhave more sighthound than anything in the make up. imo dainty whippet capable of catching a cold are no good either

Connaugh you should stick to your BMX because you know feck all about lurchers,you spout on like you been in the game 60 years when you've only been on the planet 16!


Very true. Stupid little c**ts always doing or saying something for attention. His CHavatare is exactly the type of pic the antis wank over too.

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