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Bunnie do a backflip

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After finding some problems with my R-10 I have decided to sent it away for some TLC, which would mean being without a bunnie basher for 3 to 4 weeks :nono:


I trawled the web looking for a second gun and opted for a HW100t in .177 cal. Which I picked up on Friday after work, a second hand rifle but it is in great condition. Put the scope on Friday night on zeroed it with super domess at 25 yards (the length of my garden) On Saturday I headed up to a permission but there was nothing around so set about firing some groups, they where good but I felt a better pellet would make the rifle great. I picked up some JSB's and headed to the railway permission, same again fired a few off set zero at 30 yards and began to shoot some groups, to say the groups were spot on is a massive understatement. Three JSB's stacked on top of each other drilled into the tree stump back stop, well there's a first for me.


The main field was empty so i crept downtowards the dip and layed prone in wait, an hour later nothing but a stiff neck and wet elbows. I mooched down the fence line towards the wood and spotted the first rabbit at the same point in time that he clocked me and stood upright. Standing shot's always seem imposable but seem ten times harder when you have been lying behind a bi pod for an hour. I Shouldered the HW and watched the cross hair's settle down, wack, bunnie do a back flip. I picked him up and wandered through the wood, and then back to the van.




After felling well chuffed with the first kill from the HW100 I decided to try the dip again as the wind had disappeared and the evening sunshine had broken through the clouds. Once again I lay in wait, a single bunnie soon made an appearance I watched it for a while in the hope that more would show. Ten minutes later and still the single rabbit, line it up, breath, steady, thud, number two in the bag. After learning from previous mistakes I never moved and continued to wait for more action. It did not take long before a little kit emerged from the nettles, dam its small,I was having a guilt trip over this one. I scoped him up and just watched for a while. Movement ten yards or so up the nettle patch, this one was a lot bigger and like the first one it did a back flip on Que. The kit ran, stopped and continued eating grass. Last meal for him I am afraid. I collected the bunnies and wandered back to the farm building and my van. Richard the farmer was all suited and booted, on his way to the pub no doubt."How you getting on ?" he asks, "not too many about today" I reply desperately trying not to let my inner smile show.




Good God R-10 you better be good when you get back or it is off to the sales section for you. My new short term replacement will be staying for good.



Edited by Smokey 1
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Great write up, some rice rabbits there too. These HW100s are good aren't they? What about the noise they don't make? Clink of firing mechanism, then thwack! Bunny down! I have a Super 10 I am addicted to and an HW100 that is my "heavy weather" gun.


I have had a lot of fun through the winter with the HW 100!

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Great write up, some rice rabbits there too. These HW100s are good aren't they? What about the noise they don't make? Clink of firing mechanism, then thwack! Bunny down! I have a Super 10 I am addicted to and an HW100 that is my "heavy weather" gun.


I have had a lot of fun through the winter with the HW 100!


Your right secretagentmole, the Hw 100 gives off a click and the R-10 more of a twang. I was thinking you guys were all robots talking about pellet on pellet at 30 yards but doing it myself shows it is possible with the right kit shooting sweet.



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never owned a hw 100 but borrowed a mates one day and it was the bogs bxllxcks so quiet and accurate but a heavy lump of a weapon ,i for one would own one after my beloved rapid that is ! lol-billy

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Fantastic write up :)


I've been a .22 HW100KT owner for around 2 years now and its never missed a beat. With the right pellets I can pile them on top of one another at 45m :)


Loves Rangemaster Li's so much I've ordered x10 tins from BAR.. expecting delivery tomorrow!


Glad you're keeping it anyway



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