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Has pet insurance become a double edged sword, a lot of people ive spoken too lately that have taken their dogs to the vet for various ailments seem to be under the impression that vets are carrying out operations that may be unjustified, the first question they ask is regarding your dogs insurance, now has it become another tool in the more unscrupoulous vets armoury to be carrying out unnecessary operations purely for money, by scamming insurance companys. Ive had my share of experiences with somewhat dodgy vets, and know how hard it is to find a good one that you can trust. Whats your take on this. :thumbs:

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It has certainly risen the cost of treatment for dogs who aren't insured...

And i think where common sense would prevail in the past, the vet makes it his aim to prolong life even in the short term, at any cost...

And why does a vet need to know if a dog is insured or not when carrying out a consultation??? So he can gauge the maximum possible return on the animal...

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I agree that some vets are using insuance co to make money and i suspect one of my dogs had an unneccessary op a few years back for this reason. But obviously proving it is pretty much impossible, i have learnt my lesson and travel the extra disance to a vet i trust nowadays. I personally also feel alot of the medkcations handed out are not required and can be a money making scan from some vets. The general cost of vets bills today means you pretty much have to go with insurance though despite the rising costs, its the shame with car insurance people are taking the pee claiming for whiplash all the time and so the insurers simply make everybody pay more to cover there costs, needs sorting, vets and cars.

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When my wee terrier was unwell, I asked the vet how much it was going to cost and he said he hadn't even thought about the cost yet and his main concern was getting the dog well again, as we were unsure if the insurance was going to pay out he said I would be able to repay in installments if they didn't. He worded the claim form in a manner no questions were asked and they paid out, not all vets are c**ts..... Just most of them.

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had the same problem just last week my lurcher was run over a hit and run. when arriving. at the vets the first. thing they asked was the dog insured which he's not then the vet started talking cost before he had even seen the dog which was in serious pain basically he was talking thousands all he seemed bothered about was cash not the welfare of the dog which in the end i went some where. else.


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They're not all bad had to call the vet out about 3 Sunday's ago my whippet ripped her back leg on barbed wire .The vet met me at the surgery as it was closed put the bitch straight on the table and got her cleaned and stitched and actually said I hope she stands for the stitches as it will be far cheaper for u.Then when the dog was ok she done the paper work.It wasn't even my usual vet as he was busy calving a cow.I don't have ins and this is of the topic but some vets still do put the animal first and it's not all about the coin


Ps guess who's changing vets

Edited by sean925
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  On 13/05/2012 at 09:40, leewalters said:

had the same problem just last week my lurcher was run over a hit and run. when arriving. at the vets the first. thing they asked was the dog insured which he's not then the vet started talking cost before he had even seen the dog which was in serious pain basically he was talking thousands all he seemed bothered about was cash not the welfare of the dog which in the end i went some where. else.


The vet is running a business - sounds like they were giving you a realistic picture regarding possible costs - allowing you to make a decision on how you wished to proceed, bearing in mind that the bill was likely to be high and the dog was not insured.


Hope you got it sorted ok.

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