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Guest Lurcherbitch

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Guest Lurcherbitch

As most of you know I have Swifty & her pup. whippet/greyhound/beardie

They are having issues, not too bad in the house but out on a walk, the pup who really fast insists on running round at full speed for most of the walk, swifty try's to catch her but cant, being older and wiser she cuts her off then has a go, pup is now having a go back, today was the worst it has been. Well I have just been leaving them to sort it out themselves, obviously watching they dont kill each other. At the moment it handbags at dawn and no blood drawn.

This guy with the biggest fattest lab has just had a right go at me for leaving them to fight, i reasured him that it sounded worse than it actually is.....I was then called a cruel bitch, yes i agree with the bitch part but i aint cruel, you beeb beeb beeb.

So then I had two dog walkers slagging me off saying i should be reported. f*****g hell I'm waffling again.

Point i am asking is, Am i right to leave em to it?? at what point would i step in??

I have never had a mother and pup befor.

Edited by Lurcherbitch
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Firstly your T Shirt is done......you will have to pm me an addy to send it too :D




I have Mother and Daughter and they fight constantly, though only playfully. Sometimes it tips over to a full on scrap, but as you said it sounds worse than it is :yes:



I have had comments off neighbours and family saying I should stop them, but they are not harming each other...............yet :icon_eek:


The pup seems to know that Mum is boss......and if Mum gets a bit too rough and the pup yelps she stops straight away.


The both grab each others necks and drag each other round the garden :icon_eek::icon_eek: And the pup keeps going back for more :icon_eek:


Im no expert at all, but I saw it as the Mothers way of showing the pup what to do........where to grab etc :icon_eek::blink::icon_eek:



The pup actually lost her milk teeth fighting with her Mum, they are probably still embedded in her neck somewhere :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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tell the twats to go ahead and report you, they obviously dont know sod all bout dog behaviour! luckily though its not what they know that matters.


"fat lab"....... say no more :laugh:

Edited by Born Hunter
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Guest Lurcherbitch
  zap said:
please tell me you didn't just stand back and take it ,what a prick and how typical it being some twat with an over wieght dog



Anyone that knows me knows there's no way i'm going to take that shit of anyone :laugh: .

Well I have just done another walk with another couple of dog's, and a neighbour of mine said he has stomped off home to report me to the rspca for cruelty & the police for verbil abuse :blink::laugh: .


So i sit and wait......well i wont cause i got a couple more dogs to walk :D .


Pmsl @ Fitch.xx


  charlotte hill said:
Firstly your T Shirt is done......you will have to pm me an addy to send it too :D




I have Mother and Daughter and they fight constantly, though only playfully. Sometimes it tips over to a full on scrap, but as you said it sounds worse than it is :yes:



I have had comments off neighbours and family saying I should stop them, but they are not harming each other...............yet :icon_eek:


The pup seems to know that Mum is boss......and if Mum gets a bit too rough and the pup yelps she stops straight away.


The both grab each others necks and drag each other round the garden :icon_eek::icon_eek: And the pup keeps going back for more :icon_eek:


Im no expert at all, but I saw it as the Mothers way of showing the pup what to do........where to grab etc :icon_eek::blink::icon_eek:



The pup actually lost her milk teeth fighting with her Mum, they are probably still embedded in her neck somewhere :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Cant wait for my Tshirt ;) .

What age is your pup??

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  Lurcherbitch said:
  zap said:

please tell me you didn't just stand back and take it ,what a prick and how typical it being some twat with an over wieght dog



Anyone that knows me knows there's no way i'm going to take that shit of anyone :laugh: .

Well I have just done another walk with another couple of dog's, and a neighbour of mine said he has stomped off home to report me to the rspca for cruelty & the police for verbil abuse :blink::laugh: .


So i sit and wait......well i wont cause i got a couple more dogs to walk :D .


Pmsl @ Fitch.xx


  charlotte hill said:
Firstly your T Shirt is done......you will have to pm me an addy to send it too :D



Mother is approx 7 and pup is 14 months!!!!Nightmare :icon_eek::icon_eek:



I have Mother and Daughter and they fight constantly, though only playfully. Sometimes it tips over to a full on scrap, but as you said it sounds worse than it is :yes:



I have had comments off neighbours and family saying I should stop them, but they are not harming each other...............yet :icon_eek:


The pup seems to know that Mum is boss......and if Mum gets a bit too rough and the pup yelps she stops straight away.


The both grab each others necks and drag each other round the garden :icon_eek::icon_eek: And the pup keeps going back for more :icon_eek:


Im no expert at all, but I saw it as the Mothers way of showing the pup what to do........where to grab etc :icon_eek::blink::icon_eek:



The pup actually lost her milk teeth fighting with her Mum, they are probably still embedded in her neck somewhere :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Cant wait for my Tshirt ;) .

What age is your pup??



LB, Mother is 7 approx and pup is 14 months!!!Nightmare :icon_eek:

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Guest Lurcherbitch
  swamper said:
its better to get it sorted while your there...than not be there when it goes off ;)


and il have a fiver on the youngun :laugh:



Trust you :clapper: . As you know swamps them two being my boo's mostly are with me all the time. But as you say best sorted when i'm there.

Pup is very clever, strong willed, bolshie.......oh my god!!!!!! pup is a carbon coppy of Swifty :icon_eek: .

Soon i'll have all the time in the world to put into them ;) .

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