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Poetic Justice!!

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Hi all, havent posted on this section for ages!! I'm hoping to be ack more often over the coming months.


Went out this morning at 6, got myself into a spot that normally produces more than a few bunnies, but after a half hour nothing. Decided to head for a clearing near the water works and i'd only just got in posistion when a nice young buck popped his up 15yds away, an easy shot and number one was in the bag, i dont have to retrieve the kills these day as my 12month old Sprocker Murphy has shown himself to be more than competent when out shooting and lives for a retrieve!!


About 20mins later a nice fat woody landed about 35yds away, a much more difficult shot but down he went and off went the dog. Moved onto another spot, was sat between two trees when a grey flash caught my eye, i saw a bushy tail dissapear into hole in the tree, 2 mins later the sqizzer popped his head to see if the coast was clear, it wasnt and a nice headshot sorted him out.


Moving on again i knocked a little bunny over at 20yds after he crossed the fence line and came straight into my view, moments later i head birds screeching to my left and moved into posistion to what was going on, a magpie had found a blackbirds nest and was having a go at the chicks, one made jump for it out of the nest and was pounced on by the magpie, it pecked the chick furiously and i knew it was a gonna, however instead of flying off to cover with it he made the mistake of hanging round to feed,Lined a head shot and took great delight in dispatching the song bird killer!!


Thanks Ian

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Thanks lads, been really busy training the dog over the last 8months so havent had much oppertunity to get out and shoot myself, i'm at that nice stage with him now when he can accompany me, he's still green but it's all practice for when the beating season starts!

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so so glad you got the bxstard magpie mate i actually dropped one today but its dropped down the neighbours chimney [sshh] ,and im glad you work your dog mate ,i work koda as much as i can and its good to have him as company -well done -billy

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Nice shooting. It must be great to be able to work with your dog and achieve results. Must be very satisfying :)


Glad you nailed the magpie too




It's taken 8 months of profesional gundog training mate and he is fully trained yet!!

Your right tho, it is satisfying when you see all the hard work starting to payoff, havent had any serious problems with him he's been a real steady dog from the minute i got him, got a cocker pup coming in July so back to square one again!!

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