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Guest Lurcherbitch

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Guest Lurcherbitch


The only thing I will say is.......all these things are small chips away at peoples liberty :yes: and where does it stop huh?

The more we accept, the more they will try to impose.......think about that :yes:



Thats my thoughts.....it's all well and good saying "yeah this is great" or "yes it's the best ban ever" But is'nt that what the antis thought about the hunting ban??. They feel as passionate about that as you do about this.

Just cause you agree with it does it make you right?? & me who is the least politicle person you'll meet is starting to get very worried. :cry:


but i will say "yeah this is great" smoking kills and why should i have to breath in shit that is going to do me harm.you would not like someone burning chemicals near your home and family and having them breath in

carcinagens.the differance between smoking or non-smoking is non-smoking does not harm anybody.it has no comparison with the ban on hunting this is peoples health were dealing with you would not like someone to come along and hit your children but you think nothing of blowing smoke down other people childrens throats take a trip to a lung disease ward and see if you feel the same after.



good hunting




Oy!!!!! as i said the least politicle!!!!!!! Both subjects are important to people.......I aint an anti......and as for the cig ban, I aint give my opinion!!!!!!!Just poising the question...................

There is no need to spout off to me, as i know for fact some peoples priority's come befor others...and both sides think they have the best most importanT argument.




oi no one was spouting off to anyone the point is how can someone be right to do something that harms others peoples health and especially the vulnerable i.e children and babies .weve all seen it women with fags hanging out there mouths letting the smoke drift into the kids faces .my dad packed in so my baby sister wouldnt have to breath all that shit in 2 years ago because he knew it was wrong so why should anybody else be allowed to poisen her me or anybody else who doesnt smoke.one thing i would say about the smoking ban is because the only place smokers will be allowed to smoke is there own home more kids will probebly suffer with smoking related illneses.if you ask smokers and ex smokers if they had another chance would they smoke again the answer would be no so does that not answer the question.


good hunting





WELL!!! glad you aint spouting off at me........good for your da giving up fer ya kids.xx

As i said.........i am just getting into politicl, not personal ;)


Oh i am an ex smoker and gave up because i cant afford it. The question is freedom of choice.

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Get polecat to send you that smoking ban song its fecking brilliant :clapper:


Weve had it up here for a while now, the pubs are dead, no one wants to go outside and stand and have a ciggy in the freezing cold :laugh:

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Guest WILF

Smoking is without doubt a disgusting and harmfull habit.......just like drinking really.


The whole point is as someone much more intelligent than me once said "I may not agree with what you do, but I will defend with my life your right to do it"

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Smoking is without doubt a disgusting and harmfull habit.......just like drinking really.


The whole point is as someone much more intelligent than me once said "I may not agree with what you do, but I will defend with my life your right to do it"

feckin right on :drink:

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Guest baldie

It will affect the pub trade badly, in England, thats a fact, as the pub is not the same place it is in Ireland.

Dont know the answer really, whilst i hate bans, and erosion of civil rights, no one has the right to pollute someone else,s air full stop.Kids will suffer, because the more irresponsible will smoke more at home, but they already smoked in the house i suppose [ i never did]....dunno really, where do you draw a line? alcohol is fine in moderation, for those who can handle it, fags will kill the user, given enough time, and people around them too. Cant see why a separate smoking room in pubs couldn,t be utilised , with a smoker for a barman/woman? i would still like to see everyone stop, because the benefits are unbelievable, but not everyone has the willpower..............

one thing is for certain, a lot of people will quit, as a result of this ban, and thats a good thing. Personally, another of my reasons for quitting 2 years ago, was knowing the govt was going to ban it, and i wasn,t going to give the b*****ds, the satisfaction.

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Get polecat to send you that smoking ban song its fecking brilliant :clapper:


Weve had it up here for a while now, the pubs are dead, no one wants to go outside and stand and have a ciggy in the freezing cold :laugh:


When I was up in Glasgow the other month for a funeral I was chatting (trying to understand :blink: ) a bloke outside while I was having a fag and he was telling me how the breweries are down and all the old working mens clubs etc where part of the profits was given to all the needy oap's for stuff like wheelchairs etc couldn't do it as much so the oldies were missing out too.

I might pack it in, might not, i'd rather stand outside half the time and at least i'd have the landlord and 3/4 of the vaults to talk to :D

Smoking in the workplace :laugh: does that apply in the middle of a field :hmm:


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It will affect the pub trade badly, in England, thats a fact, as the pub is not the same place it is in Ireland.

Dont know the answer really, whilst i hate bans, and erosion of civil rights, no one has the right to pollute someone else,s air full stop.Kids will suffer, because the more irresponsible will smoke more at home, but they already smoked in the house i suppose [ i never did]....dunno really, where do you draw a line? alcohol is fine in moderation, for those who can handle it, fags will kill the user, given enough time, and people around them too. Cant see why a separate smoking room in pubs couldn,t be utilised , with a smoker for a barman/woman? i would still like to see everyone stop, because the benefits are unbelievable, but not everyone has the willpower..............

one thing is for certain, a lot of people will quit, as a result of this ban, and thats a good thing. Personally, another of my reasons for quitting 2 years ago, was knowing the govt was going to ban it, and i wasn,t going to give the b*****ds, the satisfaction.

if you drive a car baldie ,you havent thought that reply through mate.

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but i will say "yeah this is great" smoking kills and why should i have to breath in shit that is going to do me harm.you would not like someone burning chemicals near your home and family and having them breath in

carcinagens.the differance between smoking or non-smoking is non-smoking does not harm anybody.it has no comparison with the ban on hunting this is peoples health were dealing with you would not like someone to come along and hit your children but you think nothing of blowing smoke down other people childrens throats take a trip to a lung disease ward and see if you feel the same after.



good hunting





spot on rew :clapper: i sit in the the works van every morning inbetween two smokers and i hate it , why should i have to sit ther and inhale all them chemicals i thing theres around 5000 chemical in one fag.... can someone on here tell me why they started in the first place without sayin "becouse i was young and daft or it was the fashion " :blink::blink:


cheers allrounder :big_boss:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
"I may not agree with what you do, but I will defend with my life your right to do it"


A very good friend of mine said that to me once. It was quite nice to think that ~ He was S.A.S ! :icon_eek:



Anyway, all this about others having to tolerate carcinogenic, second hand smoke; I, as a smoker, couldn't agree more! My Uncle died of Lung Cancer a few years ago. My own Mum's dying of it even as I write this. Both had a relatively brief spell of smoking during their lives. I'll die of cancer too, of course, unless I'm lucky enough to cop a cardiac arrest first and vanish rather more suddenly. I believe it's all down to the shit they / we have breathed in all our lives.





Ban F*ckin Motors!!!




I don't own one of those filthy, stinking, air that I Have to breathe polluting f*cking things. So please don't Ever criticise me for breathing in my burning vegetation all the time You're killing Me with ye own " Second hand carcinogens "!


One thing I cannot f*cking stomach is Hypocracy!




Baldie? Check ye PM's, mate :rolleyes:

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Smoke has been banned in pubblic places(bar,pubs restourants,working places)about 2 years ago here in Italy,if you want to smoke you go out and then back in. The pubs and the clubs are full as they were before if they have lost some smoking costumer they've gained twice in non smokers.

I'm smoker but I think it was a good law

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Get polecat to send you that smoking ban song its fecking brilliant :clapper:


Weve had it up here for a while now, the pubs are dead, no one wants to go outside and stand and have a ciggy in the freezing cold :laugh:

maybe were you live up on the hills the pubs are dead but down in normal live all pubs are still busy

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Good , ban the dirty twats :clapper:


I stopped smoking in '88 , best thing i ever did. :big_boss:


My mother stopped smoking 'cos the doctor told her it was giving her high blood pressure, she's still here thankfully :big_boss:


Father in law ( cock ), stopped smoking the morning he had a heart attack :big_boss:


One of my friends, who i haven't seen in a while, stopped smoking the morning he had a heart problem :big_boss:


Common thing here is everyone say's its the best thing they've done and though i feckin loath to say it, banning smoking in public is the best thing this pisspoticle arsewipe of a government has done :big_boss:

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