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It is good to get out with the .22!!!

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Decided yesterday evening to take the HW100 out for a stroll through the woodland. The pigeon flocks are starting to break up into breeding pairs and I got bored waiting, so I went for a little walk. Coming out of the laurels I saw a decent sized rabbit in the open, and stalked up to a firing position. The wind had dropped to virtually still and was at my back so I could not really get any closer than the 35 metres the rabbit was at. Lifted up two marks, made sure I was steady, the rabbit continued munching away, happily oblivious to a camoed Mole getting into the sitting FT type position. Checked aim, checked breathing, fired and the rabbit rolled over, not even a kick!


Picked it up and thought this is a bit heavier than usual. Well got it home, prepared it and gutted and skinned it was 2lb 8 ounces! Not a bad sized bun!




I did see a dead kit by the wood and I was lining up a shot on a pigeon when there was a blur and a falcon pushed the pigeon off and sat there regarding me. Feeling in a somewhat charitable mood I got the kit and walked back to the area I saw the falcon and dropped it for the pretty birdy (swine)! Well clears up a dead kit and feeds the birdy, not the escaped Harris hawk though, do not know where that has gone, I have not seen it recently.

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