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As i am fairly new to this game i have little knowledge of the breeding or names of the best dogs to come out of this country most of what i know now i have read on here!! most of what i read is all about english or irish dogs just wondering what the best dog to come out of scotland was and its breeding if possible :thumbs:

Edited by TROY_BOY
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The Last good dog was a wee sky terrier, greyfriars Bobby,, but in general there has been many a good dog bred up here, from your Scottish Border collie,

that was exported, to the four corners of the world, in the Lurcher world, plenty, that could do there job, and do it well, the Majority, of Lurcher owners, here in Scotland,

just went about there business, in a quite efficient way, bred pups and kept them in a family circle, ((( friends,)) if you are in the game, to sell pups, and make a bit of money on the side, then that is were all the Publicity, and exaggeration,,,, comes into play,,,,, as you see on this hunting forum,,,, A FRIEND OF MINE WENT TO England to buy a top coursing, bitch pup, a Saluki x worker to worker both parents could do there job on the big land, Paid £500 yes five hundred for this bitch, when the time come for the bitch to start work he found she really only had one Gear, could stay all day, her catch rate was very poor, Poaching did not start here in the 80s we have been at it for Generations, of time, the Laws that was forced onto the Scottish people, is Hard to believe, they only abolished HANGING for sheep rustling, in the early 60s,, and IT WAS NOT THE ENGLISH LAW MAKERS, that removed that Law,

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