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jill ferret on heat again

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Shes going to keep coming into season all summer probably 4or 5 times till the daylight gets shorter mate

Its no a good idea repeated jill jabbing them ,your better getting your own snipped hob and running her with him all summer

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Guys why is it that my ferret got taken out of heat by the hob about almost 2 months ago and now she is in heat again,got any ideas please.


A normal pregnancy is around 42 days. 6 weeks give or take a day, so when there brought out of season by the jill jab or a vasectomised hob, the jill thinks she is pregnant, so after the normal gestation period they can & often do come back into season :thumbs:

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ok thanks guys but i have another jill in there with her and she is dragging the other poor girl around whatdo you think i should do,or is this fine,and my hob is going bloody mad all he is doing is pacing up and down thats even if i remove him into another cage,whatwould you do.

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'Lewis Ste' timestamp='1336681860' post='2613097']

If she has been put back with a hob which is in season the scene then he can give off will cause the female to come back in




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My albino hob during the winter months I a snowy white thing but during the summer months his coat goes to sh*t and starts to gain and yellowy ginger coat a new scene as he always smells worse in the summer than he does winter. From what I've been told and seen if he in with other females it will bring them in even after they have had the jab. Just my experience with ferrets not had them all only a few years but could be wrong



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