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I've got a genesis on my ultra SE ms, and I'm very pleased with it.

A little lighter that a lot of x20+ scopes and shorter which in my view helps the balance. At full mag (x20) there is no milkyness and is focuses nicely despite there being no side wheel. At all mags the images are crystal clear and I took it out in near dark and up to x16 mag I could still see features under distant hedges and in black places that I could not see with the naked eye, so very pleased with that indeed. I'm not even close to the excellent sharpshooters on this site, but I managed under 1/2" groupings of 10 shots at 45 meters and groupings of under 1.25" at 70meters with 10 shots. Best I've done to date and I'm blaming the scope.

A bit pricey at £340 quid, but I wish I'd bought one sooner.

Hope that helps

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