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Gone off food

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Check the mouth for any problems and if all ok then it's likely pining a little, dogs usualy won't starve themselves for long, feed as normal and pick up soon as stopped eating and it will likely come round in a few days. If you start feeding 'special' food you will soon have a picky eater. I'd encourage fluids.

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If all is OK physically, then cut the food right back to a 1/3 of the usual amount, let the dog have acess to it for a few minutes if its turns it nose up take it away and try again next feed time.


The bitch will come back on to the 1/3 of the amount and from there on in slowly and mean slowly increase it back up, if she turns her nose up, cut it back down again.


As Sandymere says a healthy dog wont starve its self, and dont start chopping and changeing food stuff you will make a rod for your own back. :thumbs:

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I agree with the above..my bitch was picky at dried because I mixed it with tripe..why should she eat dried cardboard textured stuff when there's tripe to be eaten lol...but as a pup you wanna ram as much grub down its neck as possible lol hence barf diet to be the one..high in protein ,calcium etc while keeping teeth gleeming..also builds strength in jaw, but that's irrelevant tbh..Atb anyway

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I have always had this problem when feeding meat and biscuits.


They pick off the beef/chicken/tripe/offal etc and leave the biscuits. Or one day if they get completely raw then the next day I try to give them dry they look at me like I'm stupid.


So I've stopped feeding biscuit.


Cooked lamb, rice and veg for breakfast and chicken wings or breast on bone or lamb ribs for tea.


Every couple of days I swap the cooked lamb, veg and rice for brown bread with offal, tinned fish, tripe or egg.


All the best.



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