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Young kits in with older hob...

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As some of you know ive recently acquired a vasectomised hob.


He is really chilled out and placid.


As a general rule how do introductions of kits to an older hob go?


I plan to get 2/3 Jills when they are ready and put them in with him.





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You should keep them separate till you think the kits are big and mature enough to be able to handle themselves ,the hobs only had a vasectomy not castrated so he will still get the urge to mate

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Two hobs will bum each other if they are complete mate there no reason the jill wouldn't live by herself but there social animals mate so why no get her some company ?.

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Really depends on the ferrets....


Jills come into season the first spring after their birth so they should't be giving off any signals that would rouse your hob if they are this years kits. Introductions generally go better with kits and older ferrets rather than mature ferrets being put together as that can create more conflict plus they can do more damage to each other.


If your hob seems placid, you could try putting him in with the kits in a neutral place and keep a close eye over the next few hours. If they all settle to sleep together, then you're on a winner, if the hob seems aggressive then you have the other answer. If they settle, just keep and eye for the next few days to make sure it all stays calm...if not keep the jills nearby to the hob but separate from him til the jills are big and ugly enough to put the hob in its place. Ferrets Formula is great for this type of thing, might be worth looking into. Atb.

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Is it the same with jills i have a kit hob and got an older jill un i was wounderin when to put then together. she has been fine with him when i have had them out together or shud i wait til i get my other jill kit and intoduce them all together at the same time. The jill just seems to want to mother him. ta for your advice

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Is it the same with jills i have a kit hob and got an older jill un i was wounderin when to put then together. she has been fine with him when i have had them out together or shud i wait til i get my other jill kit and intoduce them all together at the same time. The jill just seems to want to mother him. ta for your advice


If the jill just wants to mother him then I see no reason to prevent you putting them together, if she wants to mother this kit she'll probably want to mother the jill kit when you get her.


How old is the hob kit now and the jill kit when you get her?


Each introduction can be different, but if you now have a kit and a jill that enjoy each others company best to settle them in together before the kit becomes too independant. Just always keep a close eye for the first few hours and over the next few days if you put them together. Hope it goes well. Atb.

Edited by ferret100
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Iv ad the hob kit 2week and he was weend and the jill im gettin is from the same litter. its the hob who keeps turnin to nip her.


How many weeks old was he when you got him? Kits are nippy, I'm sure your jill is quite capable of putting a kit in its place.

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