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Newby in the midlands.

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Hi everyone,


My name is Tom Parker and I am a security dog handler and traininer in the over populated city of birmingham.


I am a bit of an Anerack when it comes to dogs and want more different breeds than I have room to keep.


At the moment I have 3 dogs one German shepherd bitch and two Belgian shepherd malinois ( one dog and one bitch).


I have always been interested in country life and working and living of the land as its tradition and is passed down from father to son, something I think society in the city has neglected to a point where everyone's full of shit and they pass that down instead, just my opinion, but that's probably a topic for another forum.


My dogs are trained to a standard to that of a police dog and are from very good tough old working lines.


I am interested in getting into getting some working ebt's some lurcher's and maybe a terrier or two to work the land with but Ive decided to do my home work first for a couple of years to find out what dogs to get and how to train/work them properly.


All the best and look forwards to learning from everyone.

If any one has a question for me please feel free to ask and I'll get an answer to you ASAP.



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