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never seen a farmer move so fast

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about a month ago me and my mate was clearing out one off the pig barnes off rats before new load of pigs arrived . while i was talking to the farmer outside i left my mate to make a start . after about 10 mins mate came out saying he had missed a rat and shot thru a water pipe going up side off wall great start i thought so we all whent in t bend the pipe and tie string round it till one off farm lads could repair in the morning. as the farmer attempted to bend the pipe wi water gushing out everywere a massive rat jumped on his head never seen a farmer run and flap ther hands around so much lol as he stood ther wet thru all me and my mate could du was piss ourselfs laughing dont think he saw the funny side tho to begin wi but came round and started laughing himself who says farmers have no sense humour :boogy:

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