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New pup, proud dad!!

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Evening all, just wanted to show off my new pup, cause none of my real mates are interested in dogs, the losers!   I put an ad up here a few weeks ago looking for a pup, had some great replies and o

Shot at 2012-06-25   Shot at 2012-06-25   Shot at 2012-06-25   few more pics, i'd like to keep this thread going for myself just to see him grow from a mental pup to a sensible, mature dog (

ha ha yeah i love my vinyl mate, if the little bugger gets his hands on my records he's dead meat!   Cheers for the comments lads, his name is Ozzy by the way, i am a big heavy metal fan ha

How are you going about the house training, im after some tips before i buy my pup. Got a small house with cream carpets!!! i know.....not exactly ideal conditions. Ive got a cage and the kitchen is lynolium floored. Any tips??

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hi mate.

Know the feeling with the cream carpets, lets just say they have a nice 'mottled brown' effect now :laugh:


During the day me or the missus are in during the day so it's the usual sort of stuff, out after drinking, couple of hours after eating, when he wakes up etc

At night he's in his crate, he's been whinging alot and i had been getting up letting him out a couple of times a night but changing tactic and just been leaving him overnight from 11pm till 6pm, his bladder seems to be getting stronger and i'm feeling less like a zombie after 4 hours sleep a night!


Hard work but he's getting there, i'm chilling out more and trying not to stress too much, i've resigned myself to the fact there's always gonna be accidents!

What pup you getting mate?

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  • 3 weeks later...

couple more photosof Ozzy, he's taking a real stretch now, he's 18" tts at 13 weeks. I know it's a but of a guessing game but anybody got any idea of a ballpark figure of how tall he'll end up?!

He's a handful but getting on well with other dogs and people, very keen on a couple of local miniature ponies, gives them the nutcase stare like in the first pic, i'll need to keep an eye on that cause i reckon he thinks he's tougher than he is already!

It's hard holding him back on the exercise, only taking him for a couple of 20 min walks a day which includes a bit of crazy running about, then the usual fun and games wrecking the house :D





Shot at 2012-06-04



Shot at 2012-06-04

Shot at 2012-06-04

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  • 3 weeks later...


Shot at 2012-06-25



Shot at 2012-06-25



Shot at 2012-06-25


few more pics, i'd like to keep this thread going for myself just to see him grow from a mental pup to a sensible, mature dog (in my dreams :laugh: )

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He look's the part and seem's a right little character the type that are easy to train.. :thumbs: .. on size comparison i have a pup on the go at the moment..it don't make much difference to what size your's will turn out but it might give you a general rough idea.. she was 16in at 11wk's and is now 23 1/2 ish at 7mth..

Edited by Millet
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He look's the part and seem's a right little character the type that are easy to train.. :thumbs: .. on size comparison i have a pup on the go at the moment..it don't make much difference to what size your's will turn out but it might give you a general rough idea.. she was 16in at 11wk's and is now 23 1/2 ish at 7mth..


cheers mate, just measured him for the first time in a few weeks and he's 20", just gone 4 months.


yeah he's a character alright, very full on, high drive type, although this week he suddenly thinks he's a tough guy, a big rott came to the gate yesterday so Ozzy let out his first proper deep bark/growl, which actually scared himself the moron :laugh:

The big rott just sat there with a confused look on his face ha

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