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Ive always been a beliver the dogs either got it or it hasnt i will agree some people can cause a dog to jack either pushing it too hard too young or entering it wrong but i think if a dogs gona spew its gonma spew but what aint good for one man can be gold too another :thumbs:


Spot on mate, one of my pup from my litter jacked buy time it was 12 months old was sent pics when it was 10 months doing things it shouldnt at it age, funny how all the others have done fine, takes the right people to get the best out of a dog, Good dog men are rearer than good dogs imo.



silly silly lad, so your telling folks, that everypup in litter is gonna make the grade cos ye geed them to proper dog men, i think its more along the lines they are all making the grade cos they aint getting nowt ffs.... so ye think your a proper dogman, did you run a grey to death in high summer ffs....


it took a GOOD dog lad to show the person ye geed ye shite to the error of her ways, petbulls an there pups dont make workers, get a grip sonshine :laugh:

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There only dogs not machines a lot of preparation is required into getting a dog to peak fitness most lads think a walk round the block once a day is enough for the dog then on a sunday run the heart

Spot on mate, one of my pup from my litter jacked buy time it was 12 months old was sent pics when it was 10 months doing things it shouldnt at it age, funny how all the others have done fine, takes t

In my opinion most "jacker's" are made and not born !!!!

Ive always been a beliver the dogs either got it or it hasnt i will agree some people can cause a dog to jack either pushing it too hard too young or entering it wrong but i think if a dogs gona spew its gonma spew but what aint good for one man can be gold too another :thumbs:


Spot on mate, one of my pup from my litter jacked buy time it was 12 months old was sent pics when it was 10 months doing things it shouldnt at it age, funny how all the others have done fine, takes the right people to get the best out of a dog, Good dog men are rearer than good dogs imo.

it took a proper dog man to show them the error of there ways with petbulls lol,nae one good dog lad that has one of them lol and how did you kill a greyhound that was better than most bull xes lmfao

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Ive always been a beliver the dogs either got it or it hasnt i will agree some people can cause a dog to jack either pushing it too hard too young or entering it wrong but i think if a dogs gona spew its gonma spew but what aint good for one man can be gold too another :thumbs:


Spot on mate, one of my pup from my litter jacked buy time it was 12 months old was sent pics when it was 10 months doing things it shouldnt at it age, funny how all the others have done fine, takes the right people to get the best out of a dog, Good dog men are rearer than good dogs imo.

Ive always been a beliver the dogs either got it or it hasnt i will agree some people can cause a dog to jack either pushing it too hard too young or entering it wrong but i think if a dogs gona spew its gonma spew but what aint good for one man can be gold too another :thumbs:


Spot on mate, one of my pup from my litter jacked buy time it was 12 months old was sent pics when it was 10 months doing things it shouldnt at it age, funny how all the others have done fine, takes the right people to get the best out of a dog, Good dog men are rearer than good dogs imo.

Who was the right people ffs tb25 and staffs riffraff :icon_redface::laugh: :laugh: i cant belive ye just said that joball :laugh:
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its a funny one this, dogs do have good days and bad days and you as a person who owns the dog you ve got fit have to take into account

has the dog been given fair law to get onto is prey or you hoping of miracles,dogs are nt thick and they sometimes know they are beat ,

but i would class a jacker as one which is constant at refusing to do its job you know it can do,

similiar to greyhounds you cant expect them to win every run but they do come off the boil , then get laid off till their right

personal cicumstances and different dogs will vary and always will

a jacking dog what main prey is with teeth ,you may think its jacking but if its off colour or sore from other encounters you

lay it off till fit then try again if consantly pulling out then maybe can call it a jacker

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thats a bit harsh reddawn, that doig could of been exceptional to you for a few seasons, due to unseen circumstances the dog couldve been jacking :hmm:


what ye want me to do???? keep an feed a dog that wont earn its keep??? why is it harsh??? unwanted pets are pts everyday, for no other reason than nobody wants them, yet iv to keep 1 that refuses to do its job??? i think its folk way your sentiments that are ruining the dog game.... id rather know my rejects have died than sit thinking of them on the lurcher merry go round,,,,


an for the record it against the law to have a dog pts :thumbs:

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thats a bit harsh reddawn, that doig could of been exceptional to you for a few seasons, due to unseen circumstances the dog couldve been jacking :hmm:

1 Off maybe but 7 time's ffs ye think red dawn is harsh at least he would of given it the option of not breeding from again :laugh: it would not of got to 7 time's with me :yes: what would ye of done with a dog that had jacked 7 times ? give it another 7 chances or would ye of retired it and bred from it ignoring the fact it had jacked 7 times and bred from it because it was exceptional before :hmm:
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no reason why it cant do rabbits if it jacks on teeth, mite be shit to u but great for someone else



an then what if the guy thats using it for rabbits decides to breed it??? another litter a shit hits the deck???


like i said, spayed an rehomed, or pts

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Guest joball

Silly silly dotty doo, you know nothing there's some lads out there seen my dogs go who are proper hunting lads and have praised them so I'm happy. Twelve months dotty you not understand that! I don't care that the dog was rubbish, would that proper dog man start a dog at 9 10th months old I don't think so! Anyway I understand not every dog in a litter speciely half x won't make the grade that's life, but there's some quality pups from that litter which I'm more than happy with and fingers x'd I'll still be running the same stuff 20 - 30 yrs down the line but with one difference I won't be giving them to any one and i'll be culling hard.

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no reason why it cant do rabbits if it jacks on teeth, mite be shit to u but great for someone else



an then what if the guy thats using it for rabbits decides to breed it??? another litter a shit hits the deck???


like i said, spayed an rehomed, or pts


all depends what u want it for. rabbits or teeth... and if they cross to a proven dog still have shit pups isi

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Silly silly dotty doo, you know nothing there's some lads out there seen my dogs go who are proper hunting lads and have praised them so I'm happy. Twelve months dotty you not understand that! I don't care that the dog was rubbish, would that proper dog man start a dog at 9 10th months old I don't think so! Anyway I understand not every dog in a litter speciely half x won't make the grade that's life, but there's some quality pups from that litter which I'm more than happy with and fingers x'd I'll still be running the same stuff 20 - 30 yrs down the line but with one difference I won't be giving them to any one and i'll be culling hard.



lets get summat straight noball, many x's. types or breeds have ye had in last 2 years, as far as i remember it goes summat like this


you had a world beating grey, that was as good as any bullx, then ye had a whippet as good as any rabbit dog, then ye had a beddyx that was also better than any bullx, noo ye seem to have cooked or sold or neglected the rest an noo ye breeding shit 1/2xs out a blue petbul ffs, please let me know if iv missed any out, its been hard work keepin up way ye lol, an noo ye telling us ye gonna have the same line in 30 yrs, i dount it, ye have had 3 or so in last 2 years lol


an would it make the guy any less a dog man if he started his pups at 10month lol

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