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hunting lurchers

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has any one got any good hunting lurchers?? ones which will go and draw the cover for you??

marks and run them in if they dont catch em??

ones like the dvd hunting on the fells?? if so could we see sum photos??

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I have a mali pure working line and he's naturally fit he can scale 12 foot and is surprisingly very fast and springy. Mali's have huge prey drive and once they see other dogs hunting they pick it up quick and become serious about it and they track and wind scent like a demon!


I have to be careful with mine as just a walk in the forest turns into a hunting session and there not trained to hunt there trained for security but due to their drive their game for anything moving if you train them well you can call them off, I had a problem callin my dog back when he went after some cattle I had to get close enough for him to think "oh shit here's dad I'm in for it now" as he went selectively deaf on me. Luckily no damage was done I was quick enough to get there before he did anything or the farmer saw. He did have a bit of a running with the bull in the field but no damage to either party thank god.


He is naturally very driven to hunt, I also have a six month old bitch that is even more driver than him and she is tough as a coffin nail, I know it's not a claim to fame on her with some of the thing you guy catch but she had a squirrel not long ago and when it bit her on the face she didn't make a peep just shook it till it stopped once she killed it she was seriously possessive over it, there is a natural instict in the breed to work and they transfer this in to hunting and they never switch off they constantly want to work.


I'm looking to put my Mali on to a good lurcher bitch or something similar to get a pup out of it and use the pup to catch a few rabbits and things I'm going to try and cure my mali's of chasing game as I need them to be focused more on finding the man when working rather than chasing game which could side track them at work due to their huge drive.




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