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Hi Chap's... Last january I bought a new HW100k sporter .177.. I use the rifle for hunting mainly but I use it at my gun club on saturday where I check the power with a chrono when I first get there and before I leave.


I alway's zero at 35yard's but when Im out hunting I very rearly shoot on my zero but more 50y+


When I first bought the rifle it was running at around 778fps....and it was pellet through pellet hole at 35yard's.


As i got through about a tin and a half of JSB Exact's I noticed an increase in power..running at around 787+.. It's now running at around 794ish.


About a week ago I noticed my zero wasnt quite right but thought It might have been from me knocking it when I was getting It out of the van..I didnt for a second think It was to do with the Increase In power.I even though it was somthing to do the this Twink mkll silencer Id bought :blink: Over rated..???

No.. Its a nice bit of kit. Its a tad quieter..but just a tad :yes:


Last weekend I had a crack with one of the lad's at the club and he told me that the power increase Is somthing to do with the grees that Weihrauch use, and there are a few other lad's using Weihrauch under lever springer's and 100's that have had the same issuse's.


So chap's..if your planning on buying a Weihrauch of any model expect an Increse in power soon after buying It and if you lose your accuracy..chrono the gun first AND OFTEN.. It's more than likley the power creeping..Not that Im moaning about It..It just hit's the target harder and faster :thumbs:


Atb all


Marty :victory:

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Most rifle have an increase of power after bedding in mate......my TX did it also but like you said your not complaining.....i started with using 14.3gr pellets and was doing about 11.2 after bedding in its now 11.9 and will prob increase again when i get it sorted

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  On 09/05/2012 at 16:37, secretagentmole said:

Steve if it increases when you get it sorted get it sorted back to 11.5 or get an FAC!



I will mate lol....dont want no pc plod knocking on my door....if it goes over im getting that fixed right away

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Its perfectly normal for a slight power increase


Lead (or equivilent) build up in the barrel reduces the minute amount of air loss


Thats why I would urge anyone that owns an air rifle owns a chrono.....its a small percentage of the cost of the gun and ultimately will save you alot in many respects.

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All rifles will increase in power as they bed in and settle down.


Not sure where this loss of zero comes in you are talking about, it doesn't make sense to me as what you are talking about is perfectly normal and correct.


A chrono also only checks consistency of a rifle which is only part of accuracy.


If the rifle raises in power then you re zero accordingly.


A rifle that rises in power will change its zero normally impacting slightly, and its only slightly higher on the target.


This is due to the pellet having a slight flatter trajectory than it previously had when zeroed at a lower power level.


What your rifle as done is gone from a new rifle at 11.3 foot pounds to 11.8 foot pounds, this will defo move the zero.


Regarding the Twink being over rated or not, there is a lot of people using them that seem very happy with them, me included.



Edited by zini
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Zini settel yourself down pal..Im happy with my Twink, If you read my post properly..It say's "OVER RATED".?? "NO".!! IT'S A NICE BIT OF KIT.!!. As for the rest of the thread, the point Im trying to get across Is that the Weihrauch HW100 has a particular type of grees in it and it tend's after some time to make the rifle go over the legal limit..I was told this by someone at my club who shoot's HFT and he's been told by the HW100 users that it's the grees Weihrauch use.


Im not compleatly thick..and Im no Expert on this subjuect... I know the power would alter my zero..but like the post reads..."I thought I had knocked it getting out of the van".


And as for the chrono...Im well awear what it's for..Iv been using it for 5 year's.


I think you read Into somthing else there Si :blink:




Marty :victory:

Edited by Probuk
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  On 09/05/2012 at 21:47, SEAN3513 said:

Take a chill pill dude , wr are trying to help


It isnt just hw's that suffer from it

Im not saying it is Sean, Im just saying that from what Iv been told that the Weihrauchs use a different grease to others.


I know Si know's his stuff but..and Im only pointing out a few missunderstanding's.




I think i might know you from a local gun club not far from Grange..?? If you remember Steve G.?? It was Steve that was telling me.

Edited by Probuk
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I'm settled mate cheers :thumbs:.


I'm saying its not just Weihrauchs that do this, its just about all new air rifles, the grease that you are talking about be it or be it not a factor in power increase is just 1 small part of the power increase that occurs as a normal process in bedding in a rifle.


Its already very well known and is why a lot of gun makers release rifles at 10.9 and 11 foot pounds new.


I gave a good friend a BSA Ultra 2 years ago that was bought second hand from a member no longer on here.


The rifle wasnt shot much at all by its previous owner and was really very new in terms of shots fired.


It was legal when i bought it.


He prefered his Rapid 7 Mk 1 more, hence his sale to me.


The friend I gave it too as a Christmas present who is also a member on here still, shot it and used it before getting it tested by the police later down the line and them finding it was slightly over the legal limit, taking it off him until he now gets a FAC.


It bedded in and rose above 12 foot pound, it happens buddy and this was a BSA not HW, as I say its not just down to Weihrauchs mate.


No hard feelings.



Edited by zini
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migmog.!! I was a member on this site a good few year's ago..Just had a pm of Sean that shon a light on my old profile name.


Si I know all air rifles need to bed in and so on. All the point was... was the grease that Weihrauch use, apparently its different from the grease's that are used in other rifle's.


Im going by what someone else has told me here..he shoots the HFT nationals every year and knows the game very well and its the lads that use the 100 that have told him this.


Sorry if i couldnt explain it any better :blink:


Marty :victory:

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