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They Walk Among Us

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Takes the f*****g piss... We need out of the convention of human rights to stop people like this abusing our hospitality. I couldnt give two shits if they get put to death or tortured in their own countries, they should have thought about that before they done whatever they done. The system is meant to be there for the victims of people like them, not used as a method of escaping justice..

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Kill 87,000 people and live in the U.K free as a bird. Be an OAP born in the U.K pay tax all your working life, cant afford council tax get jailed, just about sums up the shithole that is now the U.K

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Its things like that,that really p**s me off, they are bullies dont like it when they face there own medican,bet they were all high and mighty when they were getting away with it,when a man or woman violates another persons human rights,as in murder genocide there should be no place to hide,any where

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